Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1667 Zhuo Yarong is powerful, first help Xinluo to rectify his name

Lu Aitong didn't give Lu Yuchen and Xinluo a chance to explain, and pointed at Shen Zi, who had long disliked her.

"And that lady, you don't seem to be from the Lu family or a relative of the Lu family. This is a meeting within our clan. You... shouldn't be qualified to appear here, right?"

As soon as he said this, he immediately reminded everyone present.

"Yeah, who is she? How can she be qualified to sit here?"

"This is our Lu family's clan meeting, why should an outsider participate?"

Hearing other people's reactions, Lu Huanting instantly put away his dissatisfaction with Lu Aitong.

His daughter is really smart and witty.

As expected, Lin Tong gave birth to him.

Compared to the son born by Zhuo Yarong that stupid woman, only the child born to him by Lin Tong is qualified to inherit the Lu family.

When Lu Huanting was complacent, several elders questioned Xinluo because of Lu Aitong's reminder.

One of them even said to Zhuo Yarong, "Since they are divorced, your ex-daughter-in-law is not qualified to participate in this kind of clan meeting. Master Lu has no scruples. You are his mother, and you should persuade him."

If it was before, the elders in the clan said so.

And seeing Lu Huanting with Lin Tong's mistress and two illegitimate children, Zhuo Yarong may have long ago lost her sense of excitement.

But these few days, Shen Zi accompanied her every day, and she gradually let down her guard.

Zhuo Yarong opened her heart and told Shen Zi all her hatred for Lu Huanting and Lin Tong.

Not only that, Shen Zi was very predictable, and practiced for her all the difficulties that she would foresee at the clan meeting.

At this moment, in the face of the elders' questioning, Zhuo Yarong took out two marriage certificates and household registration books from her bag.

Do not respond to each other's words.

Zhuo Yarong stood up and gracefully handed these two things to Lu Yunhua.

"Uncle Tang, this is the marriage certificate of Yuchen and Xinluo. You all know Xinluo. She is Miss Reddington, and she is the perfect match for our Yuchen family. Since we are going to write a family tree today,

Then write Xinluo's name on the position of the master's wife. "

"He, they didn't just get divorced, why..." Lu Yunhua took over the marriage certificate and household registration book, and looked nervously.

He wants to confirm the authenticity of this marriage certificate.

Zhuo Yarong saw it in the bottom of her eyes and felt only ridiculed.

But he said calmly on the face: "It was a misunderstanding before, young people, who hasn't had the impulse yet. The two of them, they even have three children, and my daughter-in-law still has one in her womb. How could they be so close to each other?"

Zhuo Yarong said, deliberately looking at the other elders present, "Xinluo was born with a noble birth, unlike some petty people whose origins are unknown. Moreover, she was very lucky, and let me hug my grandson and granddaughter... I want to tell you. , Such a daughter-in-law not only prospered our Yuchen, but also prospered our Lu family. In just a few years, they will spread branches and leaves to our Lu family. Uncles and elders, don't you think?"

The "origin unknown" in Zhuo Yarong's words was obviously aimed at the two illegitimate children born to Lu Huanting by Lin Tong.

Lu Yi was mentally prepared early on, but it was fine.

But Lin Tong and Lu Aitong never thought that Zhuo Yarong would dare to slander them in Lu Huanting's face.

The mother and daughter looked at Zhuo Yarong with hatred at the same time, wishing to swallow her raw.

But they couldn't help Zhuo Yarong.

Because Zhuo Yarong's words actually worked.

Several centrists who valued the inheritance of their descendants were already present with approving eyes.

[Update 5 first, go have a meal and come back to continue, update after 10 o'clock. 】

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