Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1669 Lu Huanting's first ultimate move

"I..." Lin Tong was furious in his heart, but even more helpless on his face.

She looked at Lu Huanting pitifully, and approached him aggrievedly, "Huanting, I..."

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Lu Huanting hugged Lin Tong and patted her thin shoulder.

Then he looked up, glaring.

Zhuo Yarong was unaware of Lu Huanting's glare.

It was only at this moment that she really understood that what Shen Zi said was that if she stopped caring, she would no longer be hurt. That was the feeling.

Not only does my heart not hurt, but I also feel very relieved.

Dealing with scumbags and scumbags, sure enough, this is the best mentality.

"Haha... It's really funny." Suddenly, Lu Aitong, who was standing beside him, laughed exaggeratedly.

Contempt flashed in her eyes, looked at Zhuo Yarong and said, "You are just a court lady who was swept out of the house, what qualifications do you have to question me and my mother here!?"

She felt that Zhuo Yarong was simply humiliating herself, she had already been abandoned by her father, and soon even Madam Lu's title would be lost.

At this time, I don't know how to be a man with my tail between my legs, but I dare to come out and jump.

Lu Aitong didn't care about Zhuo Yarong's words, and instead questioned her: "Do you think you are still qualified to appear here? Do you think that Mrs. Lu can still sit in a stable position?"

"Hmph, let me tell you, my father has long since abandoned you, and you are not the daughter-in-law of the Lu family at all. To be honest, you and the Lu family are truly not related and not related. The person who is the least qualified to appear here is you!"

"Yes, Aitong is right." Lu Huanting was reminded by Lu Aitong's words.

When he came back this time, not only did he prove his name, but he also raised Lin Tong's identity again.

The most important thing to determine Lin Tong's identity as a principal is to oust Zhuo Yarong from power.

"Zhuo Yarong, my relationship with your husband and wife ended more than 20 years ago. For so many years, I have let you occupy the position of Mrs. Lu, which is considered to be the best of my kindness. Now, I can no longer let Lin Tong follow me. I am wronged, and you are here this time, so let's make it clear about our identity."

Lu Huanting said this,

Holding Lin Tong, he stood up.

He protected Lin Tong and looked at the elders in the clan.

"Everyone knows that my marriage with Zhuo Yarong has long existed in name only. For so many years, this woman by my side has given birth to children for me and endured gossip for me. But she never fights, never robs, and always stays silent. Follow me, Lu Huanting. I have wronged her for so many years..."

"I brought her here today to write her and the names of the two children behind me on the family tree. Everyone here, there are my elders and brothers who grew up with me. Over the years, I have Lu Huanting has been wandering outside enough, even if the old man punished me back then, I should have paid enough."

"I... I want to come back, to the Lu family. I, Lu Huanting, are here today, and I implore you all uncles and brothers to do your best!"

After speaking, Lu Huanting actually knelt down.

This was the first killer move he had already planned.

When Lu Huanting knelt down, Lin Tong immediately followed suit.

Lu Aitong's eyes dimmed, and she also knelt down.

Standing behind them, Lu Yishen, after frowning slightly, still supported Shen Xinchen and knelt down together.

There was the previous heir of the Lu family before, and then Commander Shen's daughter knelt down with her big belly.

Lu Huanting's emotional threat directly hit the defense of most of the people present.

Most of them were men, and there were many who could understand Lu Huanting's difficulties.

No less than half were moved with compassion.

"Huanting is indeed not easy. He is also surnamed Lu, so he should be brought back."

"Yeah, and Lin Tong, who has followed him without a name for so many years. He is sensible. Since the husband and wife are no longer in love, they should let each other go."

"Yeah, that's how it should be..."


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