Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1679 Zhuo Yarong found out that she has been holding back Master Lu

After listening to Lu Yuchen's words, Lu Yunhua was stunned for three seconds before regaining his senses.

The other Lu family members present, like Lu Yunhua at this time, thought of a name because of Lu Yuchen's reminder.

" mean..." Lu Yunhua's tongue was knotted and he was almost speechless.

"No, it's impossible... He has already said that he has put down everything in the Lu family, he won't care anymore, he can't go down the mountain..."

"Who said it wouldn't." Master Lu lied without changing his face, with a calm expression on his face.

"The old man has promised me that he will come down the mountain on the 1st of next month to preside over the overall situation."

It's already more than 20 days today, and it will be the first day of next month, but it will be less than seven days.

"He's going down the mountain!?"

This time, not only Lu Yunhua, but all the Lu family members who knew the inside story were excited.

"Yes. The old man said that when such a big thing happened in the Lu family, he must personally supervise it as an elder. With him around, no ghosts, ghosts, snakes and gods can do it. The first day of next month is only a week. Uncle, you won't wait. Excuse me?"

"I...wait...of course I can."

Lu Yunhua was deeply afraid of that person, and did not dare to say a 'no' at all.

Even Lu Huanting didn't dare to be arrogant any more, he could only bury his head in acquiescence.

Although Lin Tong, Lu Aitong, and Lu Yishen didn't understand the specifics, they all understood that the person who was going to go down the mountain in Lu Yuchen's mouth was a great elder.

Lin Tong and Lu Aitong looked at each other quickly, and there was a sinister flash in their eyes.


Because of waiting for that person to come down the mountain, the clan meeting can only be postponed.

Lu Ye and his party came out of the villa, and before they got into the car, Zhuo Yarong's feet suddenly softened.

Fortunately, Shen Zi was fast and supported Zhuo Yarong.

Back at Lu's house, Zhuo Yarong woke up leisurely after seeing the family doctor.

She opened her eyes and saw Xinluo and Yuchen standing beside her.

Suddenly he burst into tears: "'s my mother's fault,

Mom misunderstood you, it was Mom who killed Yuchen! "

Zhuo Yarong cried hysterically and did not listen at all.

While crying, she also slapped her ears.

She only felt guilty and heartbroken. Xinluo reminded her that way, but she had her head twitching to suspect that Xinluo had an affair with Lu Qinghao.

She's the worst mom in the world!

"Woohoo ... blame me ... blame me ... If I didn't say those words, if I believe you can ask you to check the recording early, maybe there will be a few days of everything ... it's me, it's my Wrong! I'm sorry for you!"

"Mom, don't be like this... Yuchen has already procrastinated. There are still seven days, don't worry, you can definitely think of a way."

Xinluo and Lu Yuchen each grabbed Zhuo Yarong and the other hand, and they managed to calm her down.

Zhuo Yarong panted, raised her red and swollen eyes to look at Master Lu.

"Yuchen, did he really promise to go down the mountain in a week?"

The one on Qinglong Mountain kept himself locked in the temple for decades, and even did not go down the mountain even when the old lady died.

Zhuo Yarong really didn't believe that he would come down.

Master Lu looked around and raised his voice deliberately, "Mom, don't worry, my uncle will never break his promise to me."

He said, pointing around.

Zhuo Yarong and Xinluo understood, this was to make them beware of bugs.

"That's good, that's good... With your uncle in charge of the overall situation, Mom can rest assured." Having said that, Zhuo Yarong's face was even worse than before.

Because judging from Lu Yuchen's actions, it was obvious that he was just using this thing to delay time.

The one on the Qinglong Temple did not agree to go down the mountain at all.


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