Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1681 Zhuo Yunfei's Transformers is broken

Hearing this, Lu Yun and this uncle seem to be really powerful.

"Then what if your uncle doesn't want to go down the mountain? Or, what if he does, but he prefers Lu Huanting?"

Xinluo was a little worried.

"After all... Like Lu Yunhua, he grew up watching Lu Huanting."

Master Lu rubbed Xinluo's smooth black hair and said with a low smile, "Lu Huanting is so angry with my grandma, my uncle can't go down the mountain, if he could, he would have taken care of him himself. What's more, those things in my uncle's hand are privately It's all handed over to me, it's just that people outside don't know about it."

"So... your uncle is definitely on your side." Xinluo's eyes lit up, but dimmed in an instant, "But your uncle is too stubborn, he hasn't come down the mountain for so many years, and he definitely won't come down this time. ."

He didn't go down the mountain, and the highest-ranking person on Lu Jiaming's face was Lu Yunhua.

If this is the case, then it can only be delayed and find a breakthrough within seven days, proving that what Lu Huanting is holding is perjury.

"No, I have to get the people from Redington to act immediately. I will let Winston check it out himself, and I will definitely be able to find the flaws..."

Xinluo couldn't wait for a moment, stood up and was about to leave.

"Little fool, you don't believe your husband so much, eh?" Master Lu grabbed Xinluo back and carried him back to the rattan chair.

"Since I dare to say it, I naturally won't do anything I'm not sure about. Don't worry, Lu Qi will definitely invite him down this time."

"Lu Qi..." Xinluo was stunned for a moment, then immediately remembered the photo that Lu Yuchen had sent to Lu Qi this morning.

She couldn't help but ask: "By the way, who is the back in the photo you sent to Lu Qi?"


Master Lu didn't answer, just raised Xinluo's little chin and lowered his head to cover it.

The cool lips pressed against hers, and the fire tongue took advantage of the situation to pry open Yin Hong's small mouth.

Xinluo knew that Master Lu was using this kiss to avoid the topic and deliberately didn't talk about it, but she couldn't help this man.

He wanted to cry but had no tears, why would he do this every time he changed the subject.

Xinluo is helpless,

He could only let Master Lu keep deepening the kiss, until she leaned against his arms panting, and the man hugged her with satisfaction.

"Come on, let's go in and see the two little guys."


Xinluo couldn't get an answer, her heart was itching.

But Lu Yuchen hugged her horizontally and didn't give her any chance to toss at all.

When the two entered the door, Lu Yuchen just put her down.

Before Xinluo could ask any further questions, she heard a loud cry of 'wow', which came from the living room.

Hearing the child crying, Xinluo became anxious and didn't bother to ask about Lu Yuchen's photo, so she turned around and went into the living room.

"Wow, wow... Dudu is bad, Dudu's little niece bullies others! I want you to pay, I want you to pay my Transformers!"

In the living room, Zhuo Yunfei was crying with his beloved Transformers in his arms.

Dudu, as the 'culprit' who accidentally bullied Zhuo Yunfei, was obviously stunned at this time.

She puffed up her meat bun face and looked at Zhuo Yunfei with a guilty face.

There were tears on her face, too: "Yes, I'm sorry... Dudu didn't mean it. I thought he was too dirty. I thought he had to take a bath just like my doll. I..."

Dudu tried to get closer while explaining.

"Go away - this is the toy my mother gave me! You are all bad people, you see that I don't have a mother, so you all bully me!" Zhuo Yunfei pushed Dudu away, hugged the robot and rushed out.

But as soon as he turned around, he bumped into a hard wall of people.

He looked up and saw the man's indifferent expression, stupidly: "Biao... cousin..."


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