Xinluo couldn't guess this question, and Lu Ye didn't have any clue either.

"For them, the mentally ill me is more likely to be questioned than the dual personality. Of course, it may also be because they didn't hear the recording at all..."

Master Lu was playing with the eavesdropper whose recording equipment had been turned off, and his deep and condensed eyes flashed coldly.

"After all, it is a long-distance transmission. The surrounding area of ​​Lu's house is empty, and the reception point must be farther away. The receiver in Lu Huanting's hand may not be able to receive it completely."

Inadvertently, I guessed the truth.

Xinluo nodded, "Anyway, with this recording, we can prove that Lu Huanting is lying. We cut the double personality and showed it to the rest of the Lu family, and Lu Huanting's conspiracy was exposed. "

Seeing the cute appearance of the little woman filled with righteous indignation, Master Lu's eyes darkened, and he wanted to press her into his arms and kiss her fiercely.

Afraid that An An was staring at him, Master Lu just stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of Xinluo's hair.

"From what I know of him, he will say that our recording is forged. Mom is on our side, and Lu Huanting will definitely say that this is perjury that we asked Mom to re-record."

Xinluo thought about it, too.

"Then what should we do? Did we get the truth, but the fakes in his hands didn't work?!"

Lu Yuchen gave her a calm look, "Of course not. If this road doesn't work, we'll change it."

After Mr. Lu finished speaking, in front of Xinluo, he turned on the switch of the bug.

Xinluo was shocked, and even An An, who was sulking and waiting beside her, changed her face.

Lu Yuchen didn't care, instead he hooked his lips and said in a very secretive and low voice, "Don't worry, I have sent someone to inspect this room and there are no bugs. The evidence in Lu Huanting's hand is not enough to convict me. To the death, I have told Professor Duan to hide, and they must not be found."

Xinluo reacted from the daze.

Lu Yuchen deliberately passed the eavesdropping device to let Lu Huanting and the others hear.

Although he didn't understand why he took the initiative to mention Professor Duan, Xinluo still cooperated.

"Where is Professor Duan hiding?

Can you guarantee safety? Yuchen, or let him go to the Redington Hotel, and I'll let Winston pick him up. "

"..." Master Lu was silent for a while, but his dark and deep eyes looked at his little wife with a smile.

His little Luo is really smart and cooperates better than he expected.

"Also, it's easy for people inside the Lu family to leak rumors, so I'm more at ease to let Winston protect him. Only Professor Duan knows my disease best."

Lu Yuchen hesitated a bit, and then told Xinluo the address of Professor Duan.

Xinluo immediately confronted Master Lu and 'made' a call to Winston, asking him to pick up Professor Duan tonight.

After saying all this, the two of them said something irrelevant at will, and then Master Lu waved to An An who was not very happy.

An An's azure blue and cold eyes narrowed slightly.

Then he jumped off the sofa and ran over with loud footsteps.

He grabbed the bug from his father and shouted deliberately, "Zhuo Yunfei, how dare you bully my sister and see if I don't throw your Transformers out!"

After speaking, Xiao Anan raised her hand and deliberately dropped the bug on the ground.

Master Lu rubbed the little guy's head, bent down to pick up the bug, and turned it off again.

In this way, the eavesdropper will think that the bug is broken and useless, and will not know that they have found the bug.

I have to say that Lu Ye's move is really black-hearted.

But what surprised Xinluo even more was that Xiao An'an was more reluctant than his father.

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