Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1686 Lin Tong and that man may have an affair

"For so many years, I thought he was long dead... I didn't expect that he was always by Lin Tong's side."

Since Lu Aitong knows this person, it means that he must have met Lu Aitong.

Lin Tong and Lu Aitong have lived in City B for a long time. Lu Aitong was the first wife of the President, and her influence in City B is far greater than his. No wonder she can hide it for him.

"I sent Chen Yi and Chen Er to investigate. They are more familiar with City B than Lu Qi. Sun Rui... must find him."

The violent element in Lu Yuchen's body was almost uncontrollably screaming frantically.

If it weren't for the matter in City A, he would even go to City B in person to find Sun Rui.

It wasn't just him, Lu Yuchen could feel that even someone who was sleeping in his body was about to move because of the name.

"Well, don't worry, as long as he is still by Lin Tong's side, he will definitely be found. But... In addition to this, I think we can find a clue."

Xinluo is a woman, and sometimes women care more about details than men.

Lu Aitong mentioned Sun Rui's tone with dependence and trust tomorrow.

And Lin Tong, in addition to relying and trusting, Xinluo could also feel her panic.

Obviously in her own home, why did she dare not mention the word 'Sun Rui'?

Thinking of this, Xinluo said firmly: "You can ask someone to check Lintong's relationship with Sun Rui over the years or before the kidnapping case. I suspect... There is a secret relationship between her and this man. ."

"..." Lu Yuchen's eyes sank.

Even if he hated Lin Tong, he felt that Xinluo's guess was absurd at this time.

It's not that she doesn't trust Xinluo, but that Lin Tong doesn't do anything good.

"If I remember correctly, that Sun Rui more than ten years ago was just a small boss in the gang. Lu Huanting's identity, status, and appearance are hundreds of times stronger than Sun Rui. What's more, although he has been sorry for our mother and son in his life, But for Lin Tong, it is heart and lungs. As long as Lin Tong is not stupid, it is impossible for Lin Tong to betray him for a small gangster. "

"What you said makes sense." Xinluo nodded, but the conversation changed, "But women's hearts are needles. Lu Huanting likes Lin Tong, but Lin Tong may not only like Lu Huanting wholeheartedly."


never equal.

"What's more, before you were kidnapped, Lin Tong's position should have been very embarrassing. Grandpa and grandma were still alive, and they didn't like her very much. Lu Yishen, who had high hopes for her, could not enter the Lu family. Maybe she felt hopeless at that time, maybe At that time, she complained about Lu Huanting, so she sought solace from other men..."

Xinluo analyzes from the perspective of a woman.

The more she talked, the darker and darker Lu Ye's eyes were.

Because he remembered the story of Zhuo Yarong, who had complained countless times.

"Let's go, let's go to Mom's place." Master Lu put away the bug and helped Xinluo get up.

He vaguely had a lot of conjectures in his heart, not only Lin Tong and Sun Rui, he even had doubts about the existence of Lu Yishen and Lu Aitong.


After a while, Master Lu and Xinluo came to Zhuo Yarong's room.

Zhuo Yarong just calmed down, and Shen Zi was talking to her beside her bed.

Hearing Master Lu's question, Zhuo Yarong frowned, "How can you be so polite, and suddenly ask about something more than 20 years ago. Yuchen, did something major happen?"

Lu Yuchen's position as the head of the family was being questioned, and Zhuo Yarong was now a bit of a mess.

"Mom, don't worry, it has nothing to do with me. I just need to verify something. Think about it, what was the relationship between Lu Huanting and Lin Tong when I was born more than 20 years ago?"


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