Lu Yuchen's embrace was too warm.

Xinluo was hugged by him, and after a brief stroke, she closed her eyes unknowingly.

"Baby, wake up..." The man's magnetic lazy voice woke her up.

Opening her sleepy eyes, Xinluo raised her eyes, her clear peach blossom eyes shone with a charming luster.

"What's the matter... What did you find?" She was obviously not fully awake yet, and Gouren's eyes were blurred and confused.

When people saw it, they wanted to rub her into his arms.

Lu Yuchen suppressed the evil fire in his body. He knew how cruel it was for him to hold this attractive little woman every night and force him to suppress Gu Qiwang.

"Cough..." The man tightened his throat, deliberately letting himself ignore the sweet aroma in his breath.

He whispered, "Xiao Luo, look at this."

Master Lu pointed to the document, "Have you heard of this name?"

Xinluo didn't know that Lu Yuchen had been picked up by Gu Qiannian, and sat up on his lap with his shoulders supported.

"Let's see..." She sat on his lap and turned around, her round buttocks turned around him.

Xinluo took the document in his hand, and as soon as she saw the words 'Sun Ruicheng', she felt that something hard was sitting under her butt.

"Lu Yuchen, you...what are you thinking!" Xinluo wanted to get off him, shy and angry.

Master Lu took her back with a big palm.

He hugged her from behind with both hands, pressed the disobedient little woman firmly, bit her small earlobe and breathed, "Don't run, you will be ashamed if you run away, Mr. Lu."

As soon as Xinluo raised his head, he immediately understood what he meant.

The subordinates in the entire suite looked busy, but in fact they all looked at them.

If she left, the small tent propped up under Lu Yuchen's pants would be exposed.

"You..." With a flushed face, Xinluo moved her PP unnaturally, "You, don't think about it...go away..."

The man chuckled.

In the deep and sexy laughter, there is a bit of ambiguous hoarseness.

"Baby, if you rub a few more times, I'm afraid we won't be able to get out today."

"'re not serious. The baby is so old, and you're making jokes like this, ignoring you..." Xinluo took the document and looked serious, deliberately ignoring the hot breath of the man behind him.

After looking at it for a long time, my mind was confused. I didn't see anything strange about the name Lu Yuchen pointed out to him just now.

'Sun Ruicheng' can't always be 'Sun Rui', right?

But according to the monitoring records here, it was Lu Huanting, not Lin Tong, who mentioned this name three times.

If this Sun Rui turned out to be Sun Rui, Lu Huanting couldn't have repeatedly mentioned the man who cuckolded him.

Lu Yuchen could see that Xinluo was absent-minded, and he didn't give her any riddles. His slender fingers pointed to the word 'Sun Ruicheng'.

"This name is not Sun Ruicheng, but Sun Ruicheng."

Master Lu wrote the words 'Sun Ruicheng' on her palm.

"It's not surprising that your subordinates came back from abroad, and they don't know the name. The three words 'Sun Ruicheng' are not prominent in City A, but they are very important in City B. In other words, he is an underground member of City B. Wang. And he does things without principles, smuggling, selling drugs, arms, whatever makes money. "

"So, he is a man of the Tao?"

Xinluo's eyes lit up, Sun Rui was a scumbag, and this Sun Ruicheng was also a swindler.

"Yes, he is in charge of the gray area of ​​City B. I will send someone to check Sun Ruicheng's information now. I am very curious. If Sun Ruicheng is really the Sun Rui back then, why would Lu Huanting have a deep friendship with him?"

【One more update, continue】

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