Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1716 She is the one who killed the old lady!

"Uncle, the DNA test has been confirmed, what else is still unclear?"

Lu Huanting's face was not gloomy, and he always felt that Lu Yunhe was deliberately embarrassing the two children.

He knew that Lu Yunhe didn't like Lu Aitong very much, but if he didn't like Gui, how could he question her identity.

Lu Yunhe didn't speak, just clapped his hands with a cold face.

"Crack, crack, crack—"

After three crisp sounds, two people entered through the side door.

One of them is known to everyone, and his face is indifferent and expressionless. It is Lu Qi, who has been missing in City A for a long time recently.

The other person following him, hunched over his back, had gray hair, and looked very old.

His beard and hair were knotted, making it impossible to see his face.

"This... Who is this?" Lu Huanting asked the questions in the minds of the others.

Lu Qi took the man to the altar and knelt down, and said in a cold tone, "This is Li Huaizhong."

"Li Huaizhong—!?"

Lu Huanting's left leg softened, and if it wasn't for the cane, he would have almost sat on the ground.

Lin Tong, who was beside him, had long since felt a cold heart, and his originally gentle and graceful face had long since lost its blood.

"Li Huaizhong, isn't this the old lady's driver?"

"He didn't die in the explosion, how could he be here?"

Li Huaizhong used to be the old lady's driver, so the rest of the Lu family knew his name.

They, like people who are not familiar with the outside world, thought that Li Huaizhong had already died.

Lu Yunhe glanced at Lu Huanting, a shadow flashed in his bottomless pupils.

From Lu Huanting's expression, he knew that Lin Tong had already known about Xiaoqi's attack.

"Li Huaizhong, say—" Lu Qi received Lu Yunhe's gesture and kicked Li Huaizhong's leg.

Li Huaizhong was so frightened that he fell to the ground, crying and explaining: "I said, I said,

The bombing wasn't an accident, it was my hands and feet. The old lady I killed..."

"Uncle Li, our Lu family treats you well, and my grandmother always thinks highly of you. Why do you want to hurt him?" Master Lu stood up and asked sharply.

Lin Tong gave Li Huaide a wink, but Li Huaide was desperate now.

Since he was found by Lu Qi, his fate has been accepted.

He has committed a heinous crime, and for so many years, he has been condemned by his conscience every night in the dead of night.

Li Huaide knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times to Lu Yuchen, and cried, "Master Lu... it's me, it's me, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for the Lu family, I'm sorry for the old lady... I was obsessed with listening to this woman's words... "

Li Huaide reached out and pointed at Lin Tong.

Lin Tong immediately showed a ghostly expression, "You... you don't want to spit, I don't know you at all!"

"You don't have to pretend. Although you asked other people to meet me at that time, I kept an eye on that person and followed him. I saw him connecting with you. You tied up my son and grandson, and sent me after the event was completed. The temptation to go abroad and add a lot of money. I admit... I am a coward, I am greedy, and I am selfish, so I was threatened by you and took your money!"

Speaking of which, Li Huaide looked at Lu Huanting.

"Master, I have driven you a car before, you should know who I am!"

After Li Huaide finished speaking, he knocked down heavily on Lu Huanting, and blood dripped from his forehead.

The ground was bright red, which was shocking to see.

But such a shocking scene is not as shocking as this incident.

The dignified old lady of the Lu family was killed by the mistress who was raised by her parents outside.

If this is true, then Lin Tong is the enemy of the entire Lu family.


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