Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1722 Lin Tong is not pregnant at all, her belly is fake (5)

Lu Aitong also took advantage of the situation, pointed at Tian Fenfang and said, "Dad, look at this woman, blushing like this is a guilty conscience."

"Mom has been with you for so many years, and even raised my brother and I with hardships. You can't trust outsiders or mothers if you say anything!"

After he finished speaking, he whispered a reminder in Lu Huanting's ear.

"I think these people are Lu Yuchen's deliberately trying to cause trouble. Dad, there are many night dreams. We'd better write our names on the family tree as soon as possible."

A word woke the dreamer.

Lu Huanting suddenly 'woke up' and felt that he had followed Lu Yuchen's way.

"Hmph, Tian Fenfang is just a nanny who took care of Xiaotong more than 20 years ago. We haven't seen her for more than 20 years. We don't know what her character is now. Her words are not credible!"

It was as if he no longer believed Tian Fenfang's testimony.

Tian Fenfang, a tens-year-old man, was so anxious that her eyes were red.

What she said was clearly the truth, but Lin Tong's reaction was far beyond her expectations.

No guilt, no blush, and can bite her back.

Lu Yunhe watched coldly and sneered: "Lu Qi, since he doesn't believe it, let him hear what the truth is."

Lu Qi took the order and let another middle-aged woman step forward with a cold expression.

Lin Tong looked at the man nervously.

But seeing that man raised his head, it was a face he didn't know, and Lin Tong felt a lot at ease.

That person didn't even look at Lin Tong, as if he didn't know her, he just took care of his own memories: "In the early autumn twenty-eight years ago, I was still working at the Linshi Women's and Children's Hospital..."

As soon as the first sentence came out, Lin Tong's expression changed.

"I remember a very strange thing happened at that time. There was a pregnant woman who had been checking in with us all the time. Those days happened to be her due date, and she was admitted to the hospital ward early. She lived alone in a single room, at twenty It was a particularly good deal many years ago. But she is mute, can't speak, and has no family to accompany her, so it caught our attention."

"Two days later, the woman had a stomach attack. At this time, a pregnant woman was admitted to the next ward. The pregnant woman was very strange. She gave birth without even entering the delivery room. At the same time,

The mute who gave birth to a child disappeared together with the son she gave birth..."

When the middle-aged woman said this, she suddenly raised her head to look at Lu Huanting.

"I personally handled the child back then. I still remember that when he was born, there were three small red moles on his right buttock. A few days after the mute and the child disappeared together, I was in the maternity ward where I moved in. , found the baby."

When she said this, Lu Huanting and Lu Yishen's faces were already quite ugly.

Especially Lu Yishen.

Holding Lin Tong's hand, he slowly released it unconsciously.

He turned his head stiffly to look at Lin Tong, and countless doubts and disbelief flashed in his eyes.

The middle-aged woman continued, "Later, I told the head nurse about this. The next day, I was expelled by the hospital for a reason. I should not be the only one who knew about this at the time. If you If you don't believe me, I can find those colleagues back then and let them testify."

"No, it's not true...Yishen, the three red moles must have been told to her by someone else. This is Lu Yuchen's conspiracy, it must have been told to her by Lu Yuchen, Yishen, you have to trust Mom..."

Lin Tong was already panicking, and caught Lu Yishen with his arms crying to explain.

But Lu Yishen pulled her hand off, and asked back with a heartache: "Mom... Have you forgotten? I think those three red moles on the buttocks are too ugly. When I was six years old, I cried and made trouble for you. Take me to the hospital to get rid of it."

"How old was Lu Yuchen when he first came to our house? What's more, when has he seen such hidden parts?"

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