Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-six chapters poisonous woman, I will strangle you today

"You mean, she's not my mother? But her appearance..." Lu Yishen looked at Lin Tong with a rare suspicious look.

"It is inevitable that people have similarities. They can deliberately find a woman who looks the same as you. Yishen, don't believe them, they are lying to you..."

"Fuck!" Before Lin Tong finished speaking, Lu Jiu became angry.

He shouted loudly, grabbed the sick woman's right hand, and pulled up the sleeve of her right hand.

Without the sleeves to cover, the sick woman was as thin as a wood, and her pale right arm with the color of blood vessels was exposed.

Countless needle eyes were on the sick woman's arm with blue blood vessels.

Some of the pinholes are newly pierced, and some pinholes are imprints from a long time ago.

She couldn't speak, her reaction was dull, and just by looking at those shocking needles, she knew how cruel and inhumane this woman had been.

Lu Jiu is not a person with a lot of sympathy, but when he got the news and found this woman.

Even a hard-hearted person like him was saddened by this woman's tragic experience.

"Lu Yishen, you can see clearly... these pinholes were all pierced by the people in the mental hospital on your biological mother's arm. After she gave birth to you, she was robbed of the child and sent to the mental hospital. Your mother thought about running away at first. , I thought about resisting, but every time I was arrested, I was treated with such inhumane treatment!"

"It's not that she doesn't want you anymore... On the contrary, she has always wanted to come out to see you! It's because of you that in order to see you, she has the courage and faith to run away again and again. It's a pity that your mother is a mute, she can't Said. Just like when she found out that Lin Tong had given birth to a child through her belly, she had no way to tell others what happened to her."

"See for yourself!" Lu Jiu shook the sick woman's wrist.

White to almost transparent wrist, let him shake weakly.

He had the illusion that as long as he exerted his strength, the woman's scrawny wrist would break in his own hands.

"Look at the pinholes on this... The latest of these wounds was made just last week, and the old pinholes can be traced back more than 20 years. If she is the woman we brought to frame Lin Tong, tell me Me, where are we going to find a woman who looks like you and has been abused for more than 20 years? Tell me, how are these pinholes faked!?"

According to Lu Jiu,

It hit Lu Yishen's heart hard.

He suddenly burst into tears, still rolling down with tears.

He suddenly laughed again, hahaha, the laughter was chilling.

Suddenly, Lu Yishen got up from the ground.

When everyone couldn't react, they rushed towards Lin Tong.

"You... you poisonous woman, you poisonous woman! I, Lu Yishen, have no eyes, I actually think you are the best mother in the world!"

Lu Yishen grabbed Lin Tong's neck and slammed her to the ground.

Lin Tong screamed and wanted to run away, but a woman like her couldn't compare to Lu Yishen's powerful physique.

"Yishen... let go... cough... let go..."

"Poison woman, I'm going to strangle you today! I'll get justice for my mother!"

The sick woman was his biological mother, and Lu Yishen was not stupid enough to be completely brainwashed by Lin Tong.

The look between her brows, the bridge of her nose, the chin, and the shape of her mouth are all similar to her own.

The age can match, the characteristics of being dumb can match, and it happens to be a woman who was tortured in a mental hospital more than 20 years ago.

How can there be so many coincidences in this world?

"Yishen, stop me!" Lu Huanting recovered from the shock.

The crutches in his hand slammed on Lu Yishen's back, pulling him away.

And Lu Aitong also reacted at this time, jumped up and hugged Lu Yishen's waist, "Brother, don' don't hit your mother. We are a family, you don't want to be like this..."

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