Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

The first thousand seven hundred and ninetieth chapters

The blood flowed very fast, Lin Tong fell on the bed, feeling the temperature drop, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

Aside from squeezing a cry or two from her throat, she couldn't control herself.

At this moment, countless past lives flashed across Lin Tong's mind.

Before the age of twenty, I knew Lu Huanting.

At the age of twenty, the design made him have a relationship with himself.

At the age of twenty-one, he lost his first child.

At the age of twenty-three, he drove a woman crazy and robbed her son to replace him. At the same time, it also forced another woman to a dead end, so that she would have no husband from now on.

At the age of twenty-five, in order to relieve his loneliness, he went to bed with Sun Rui, and gave birth to his only flesh and blood in his life.

Her Tongtong has been shrewd and sensible since she was a child, and she was almost carved out of the same mold when she was a child.

She loves her daughter like her life, and she can't wait to give this daughter everything that she has stolen and occupied.

But she would never have thought of it.

One day, her life will be buried in the hands of her daughter.

Lin Tong's eyes widened, and with unwilling eyes, she stared at the daughter she raised with her own hands.

When she died, she couldn't understand or accept that her life would end like this.

"Mom, don't worry... I will take all your words in my heart." Lu Aitong looked at Lin Tong's pupils, gradually sagging.

She leaned over, lowered her head, and whispered in her ear with a voice of unwillingness and crying.

"Lu Yuchen, Yue Xinluo, Lu Huanting...I will get rid of these people you hate one by one. You were killed by them, don't be afraid, I will avenge you..."

After saying the last word, Lin Tong finally stopped breathing.

She didn't close her eyes until she died.

Just like that, with the shrunken and twisted right eye, and the only intact left eye, he stared at Lu Aitong.

Lu Aitong didn't go to see her, she took out the suicide note prepared in advance from her bag,

Put the suicide note under Lin Tong's pillow.

After doing all this, she went out.

Walking to the door, he suddenly stopped.

Lu Aitong's hand was on the doorknob, and the knuckles of her hands were faintly pale.

She wanted to turn back and looked back at Lin Tong again.

But the huge sense of guilt and fear forced her to stand still, motionless.

After an unknown amount of time, the door handle was suddenly turned.

In the end, Lu Aitong left the ward without looking back.

Outside the ward, there were seven or eight subordinates brought by Sun Ruicheng.

Lu Aitong instructed: "Guard the door and don't allow anyone to enter."

"Miss, the doctor and nurse...?"

"It's impossible for doctors and nurses. My mother's condition has stabilized and she needs to recuperate now. There are many paparazzi reporters outside who want to sneak in, and they may dress up as medical staff here. In short, keep the door of the ward and wait for tomorrow. Say it in the morning."

The subordinates dare not have any opinions, they can only honestly guard the door.


The next day, Lujia Manor.

Lu Yuchen was discussing with Xinluo and Zhuo Yarong about attending Huo Jingyan's wedding a few days later.

Seeing Lu Qi's expression in a hurry, he came in from the door.

"Master Lu, something happened."

Lu Yuchen's eyes narrowed, and Lu Qi immediately explained, "It's Lin Tong. She committed suicide last night and left a suicide note."

Lu Qiyi couldn't explain it clearly, so he could only turn on the TV and let them watch it for themselves.

News channels are broadcasting this.

"There is a new development in the high-profile dispute between the mistress and the original spouse. In the middle of the night yesterday, Ms. Lin, who has been tortured by rumors, committed suicide by cutting her wrists in the hospital bed. Before Ms. Lin died, she left a suicide note. …”

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