She raised her head, a look of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

Sun Aitong immediately lowered her head and covered her ugly face, daring not to let others see her ghost-like face.

The man standing in front of her did not speak.

He just looked at her deeply and left without looking back.

Across the road is the Military General Hospital. His ex-wife is about to give birth.

When the man walks far away, the female beggar dares to look up.

With nostalgic eyes, she looked at the man's retreating back.

also deep...

Lu Yishen...

The brother she once loved the most and loved the most...

Tears of remorse finally rolled out from Sun Aitong's eyelids.

Over the years, no matter how many wrongs she has done, she never regrets it.

But at this moment, Sun Aitong finally realized what it is to regret.

It turned out that she also once had a happy home.

It was her who destroyed everything that had been beautiful with her own hands, step by step.

That afternoon, a ragged beggar came to the city police headquarters and turned himself in to report the crime.

She personally confessed to the crime of murdering her mother, and explained the modus operandi and intention of committing the crime clearly.

Originally, because of Speaker Lu's words, the court deliberately did not convict Sun Aitong, but instead let her live on the streets and suffer a lot.

However, once the mother-killing case was exposed, the plot was bad and caused great social repercussions.

The media and the public have all criticized the former president's wife's evil deeds.

In the end, the court also sentenced Sun Aitong to life imprisonment.

She will spend the second half of her lonely life in prison.


"Yan Yan's head has been exposed,

Don't be afraid, Luoluo, you'll be fine soon..." Lu Yuchen's cold and deep pupils shrank suddenly after hearing another cry from Xinluo mixed with pain.

Words of comfort are beyond words.

He doesn't even want his daughter anymore.

At this moment, seeing his Lolo suffering, Lu Erchen could not wait to stuff Xiao Lu Yan back into her mother's belly, and then said that she was dead.

The most hateful thing is that these medical staff made Lolo so painful.

Lu Erchen decided to threaten them. If Luo Luo called again, he would take all these people...

"Don't think about it."

At this moment, a voice came out of my mind.

"If you dare to threaten the doctors and nurses here, be careful that I won't let you out from now on." Although Daddy Lu's voice was anxious, he was obviously much calmer than Lu Erchen.

Lu Erchen narrowed his eyes slightly, and was immediately upset.

Being able to be known by another person is really...

"Women cry when giving birth, and it's painful. You don't have to worry. These doctors are all experienced experts, and they will take good care of Xiao Luo."

"You're not a woman, how do you know?" Lu Erchen said unconvinced.

"Of course I read it in a book." He was not Lu Erchen, so he didn't know how to study hard after buying so many baby care books.

"So, we have to treat Xiao Luo better in the future. She gave birth to four angels for us, and each delivery is the most painful time for women."

Lu Erchen pouted, wanting to say that little devils like An An are not angels.

But when he saw his wife lying on the delivery bed, in pain and suffering, he swallowed all the words.

More than half an hour later, the cry of the baby resounded throughout the delivery room.

"The child was born, it was born..." Outside the delivery room, all relatives and friends who heard the cry were relieved.

And inside the delivery room.

"How is it, is Yanyan okay? Are her eyes blue or black?" This child was born naturally, and Xinluo still had some strength after giving birth.

She was very curious about the appearance of her little daughter.

"I don't know, I didn't pay attention." Lu Erchen held Xinluo's hand and didn't look at her daughter at all.

Now, he even hates the stinky girl who tortured his wife for a long time.


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