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Time passed by, and Xinluo passed out of confinement smoothly.

On this day, it is time to put the full moon wine for the child.

Not only the Reddington family and the Lu family are here.

Uncle Lu came, and even Lu Qinghao, who had recovered from his serious illness soon after, came.

The baby of Shen Xinchen's family was born on the same day as Yanyan. Because of the good relationship between the two families, they served the full moon wine together.

The two little babies are so beautiful and delicate together.

The little man carved in pink and jade makes people happy to see it.

In the lounge, Youyou, An An, Dudu and Zhuo Yunfei were around Yanyan and Xiao Tuanzi.

Tuanzi is the nickname of the sons of Lu Yishen and Shen Xinchen, and this name was taken by Dudu.

Two days after Shen Xinchen gave birth to her baby, Shen Zi brought her grandson and granddaughter to visit Shen Xinchen.

As a result, when Dudu saw Shen Xinchen's son, he shouted 'Little Dumpling' and 'Little Dumpling'.

It turned out to be because Shen Xinchen's son was white and tender, with a small face that was full of flesh and translucent, which made Dudu think of dumplings as soon as he saw it.

The adults all thought the name 'Little Dumpling' was nice and had auspicious meanings, so the poor baby dumpling was given such a name by cousin Dudu.

"Everyone outside is almost here, it's time to take the children out." Zhuo Yarong and Shu Hui came in to inform them, and Xinluo and Shen Xinchen picked up the children and walked out.

Although Yan Yan's black eyes are slightly raised, they become more slender as they grow up, not quite like her mother's peach blossom eyes, but somewhat of her father's outline.

As for the small dumplings, they had all the advantages of Lu Yishen and Shen Xinchen.

If you ignore the shortcomings of his inability to speak, just looking at the appearance, there is both Youyou's quiet and profound, and An An's handsome and delicate, he should be an extremely good-looking handsome man when he grows up.

However, the small group has its flaws.

But everyone loves him very much, even An An, who has always been quirky, never makes fun of the little dumpling.

"Miss, you guys will go out later, there is trouble outside." Xinluo was about to go out when Saidi came in.

Put it in her ear and whispered.

"What..." Xinluo frowned, "Who dares to make trouble?"

Today's Full Moon Banquet is not extravagant, but it also invited many dignitaries who are friends with the Lu family, the Shen family and the Reddington family.

Even Marshal Han is here, but there are still people who dare to make trouble!

"It's Zhuo Mingfu and Tang Mi..." Although Saidi tried to lower her voice, she was still heard by Zhuo Yarong.

"Me, my eldest brother? What are they making trouble for, and they still have the face to make trouble?!"

Zhuo Yarong had long since cut off contact with Zhuo Mingfu. This time, the full moon wine invited the rest of the Zhuo family, but Zhuo Mingfu was not invited at all.

"They brought the media and said that Madam, you hid his son. Now they are making trouble outside. If Madam doesn't return Zhuo Yunfei to them, they will not stop."

"What?" Zhuo Yarong almost fainted when she heard this.

Fortunately, Shu Hui and Zhang's mother, who were on the side, supported her in time.

"Mom, don't worry, this matter is handled by Yuchen outside, and it should be suppressed soon."

Xinluo said so, but she was a little worried in her heart.

Zhuo Mingfu and Tang Mi are indeed Zhuo Yunfei's parents.

At such a young age, Zhuo Yunfei should not stay at their house without the consent of his parents.

Lu Yuchen is now the speaker, Shen Yi is a high-ranking military official, and her identity... Although she is powerful enough to overwhelm people, she is just as powerful as a tree.

Every day, I don't know how many pairs of eyes staring at them, trying to find their fault.

[Start of 9.12 update] (Mr. President, unbridled love!)

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