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Ruan Mianmian hesitated, looked down at her son, and closed her eyes.

Unable to bear, he pushed Han Shiche to Xinluo.

"This is my son, Xiao Che, you have seen... I want to give him to you and let him live in the Lu family for a while. He is also studying in the imperial school and can be your eldest son's company. Tuition fees I have already paid for him, and the money in this card is enough for his living expenses."

"Mianmian, it's not about living expenses..."

Ruan Mianmian suddenly brought his son and prepared various expenses for him in the future. This was not a temporary stay, but a long-term stay in the Lu family.

"I can take care of your son for you, that's fine. But you mother and son, why are you separated for so long?"

If you want to ask Xinluo what is the most regrettable thing in her life, it is the separation from Youyou at the beginning.

She missed the most important stage of her child's development and failed to fulfill her responsibilities as a mother.

"Mianmian, what happened? If you have any difficulties, you can tell me, and I can find a way for you. You are like this, Xiaoche..."

Xinluo didn't dare to mention the latter words in front of the child.

Such a parting will be a heavy injury to the child.

"I, I know..." Ruan Mianmian lowered her head, tears in her eyes.

She hadn't cried like this for a long time, and she hasn't been so cowardly for a long time since she was honed step by step in the military.

But Xiao Che, she couldn't help, couldn't keep him by her side.

She can't hurt Xiaoche...

"Anyway, I won't do this until I have to. Xinluo, please help me."

Xinluo wanted to persuade, but she also understood that any mother would not be willing to go this far unless it was a last resort.

She could see that Ruan Mianmian loved Han Shiche and her children very much.

It must be painful for her to make such a decision.

"Okay, I'll take care of him for you. No matter how long it takes, I'll take care of you, and I won't let you have any worries. But Mianmian, I hope you can take care of your affairs as soon as possible, pick up Xiaoche as soon as possible, and reunite mother and son. ."

Ruan Mianmian nodded and wiped away her tears.

Then he lowered his head and looked at Han Shiche.

"Xiao Che, can you...can you understand mom?"

Ruan Mianmian squatted down and hugged him.

He rested his head in the cradle of Han Shi's neck and hugged him tightly.

Don't want to be separated, don't want to be separated at all!

"Mom, I understand."

A small hand gently patted Ruan Mianmian's back.

He understands, he understands everything.

He knew that his mother did this to protect him.

If it wasn't for him, mom could be happier.

"Xiao Che will be obedient, take care of himself, and won't make you worry."

Han Shiche has always been less talkative and cold.

But it was rare at this time, expressing his heart to Ruan Mianmian and comforting her.

"Well, mom knows that our little Che is the most obedient and sensible." Ruan Mianmian sniffed and kissed her son's beautiful little face several times.

Then, he rubbed Han Shiche's head and stood up.

"Xinluo, then I'll hand Xiaoche over to you. You... externally, say Xiaoche is the child of a distant relative, and the surname Lu Yue is fine, as long as he doesn't let him use the surname Han. Also, Qian Don't let people know that she is my son. I will always remember your great kindness in my heart, thank you, thank you..."

Ruan Mianmian settled down in the cold and quickly left the hotel.

From this day on, Han Shiche, oh should be Lu Shiche, has moved into the Lu family.

Xinluo never understood why she made such a decision.

She didn't know why Ruan Mianmian did that until they met again soon after.

[First 3 updates, and then continue after writing] (Mr. President, wanton love!)

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