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Xinluo couldn't help patting her heart to soothe her fast-beating heart.

Just as I was about to speak, I suddenly felt that the bottom of my hand felt a little different.

She lowered her head and looked at the white veil on her body in disbelief, unable to react for a long time.

"I, how could I..."

She just slept for a while, and she didn't even know how her clothes were changed.

"It's Professor Duan's medicine, which makes you sleep more deeply. Don't worry, there are no side effects." The man got close, and his magnetic lazy voice sounded in her ear.

Xinluo raised her head suddenly, her bright peach eyes trembling slightly.

She already had an idea in her heart, but she didn't dare to guess.

"Wife, it's time for us to get out of the car." Lu Yuchen pursed his lips and reached out to her.

Xinluo didn't know where they were now. It was on the side of the road, and occasionally there would be cars whizzing by.

But on the side of the road, it was pitch black, and it was impossible to see it.

Take her to church, she can understand.

But bringing her to such a remote place is nothing like the place she guessed.

But no matter what, Xinluo still placed his right hand gently on his palm.

In this life, as long as there is a place for him, she is willing to go with him.

The door opened, and Master Lu led Xinluo out of the car.

Behind it is a wide driveway.

In front of him was a darkness that could not be seen, and even the street lights were turned off.

"Where are we going when we dress like this?" Xinluo couldn't help but ask.

He was wearing a hand-made black dress, and although the white gauze skirt on her body could not be seen in full, Xinluo guessed that it must be made by a famous artist.

Lu Yuchen was well prepared, not only changed her wedding dress, but also changed her hairstyle and makeup.

The long veil was dragged to the ground, and the veil was covered with white pearls.

"We'll find out later." Master Lu covered Xinluo with a veil himself.

Then he took her hand and walked into the endless darkness.

Get closer and closer, walk from the curb to the sidewalk and go inside.

Although there is no light, after gradually getting used to the darkness, under the faint moonlight, it seems that I can slowly see the road in front of me.

Xinluo felt strange that the ground he stepped on did not look like a normal road.

It's like stepping on the soft ground, with the feeling of being covered with vegetation.

Just when Xinluo felt strange and wanted to ask more clearly, Lu Yuchen suddenly stopped.

"Xiao Luo..." He called her in the most affectionate way.

Xin Luo heard the sound and raised her eyes to look at him.

The cold moonlight sprinkled on his bottomless pupils, like the entire Tianhe, hidden in his deep phoenix eyes.

"Seventeen years ago, here, I saw an angel for the first time. It was the most negative, painful and desperate time in my life. But that was when a little girl broke into my world. She was like an angel. Coming to the world, when I was most helpless and disappointed, gave me hope to continue living."

"Seventeen years later, and here, I want to announce to the world that Lu Yuchen has finally found the most important angel in his life. We met here, our story started here, and now, I'm here to stay Our best memories..."

When the last word came out of Lu Yuchen's mouth.

The originally dark space suddenly lit up.

Countless lanterns were lit at the same time, and colorful fireworks illuminated the night sky.

The ground that made Xinluo feel strange just now turned out to be covered with tens of thousands of flowers.

Only then did Xinluo realize that at this moment, they were standing in the middle of the orphanage they met when they were children.

Dilapidated orphanage in memory, repainted.

All kinds of exquisite decorations, lanterns and flowers have turned this place into a sea of ​​fairy tales.

"Mummy—" At this moment, a cheerful cry came from the left.

[After 6 updates, there are about 2 chapters left, honeymoon, and then Su Qing and Qiao Mohan's extras, see you tomorrow night~] (Mr. President, wanton love!)

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