"Miss Lin, hurry up... come out with me." Su Zheng excitedly invited Lin Shiman to go outside the banquet hall.

Lin Shiman was highly sought after by the crowd and was forced to leave the banquet hall, she was very reluctant.

"Mr. Su, what's the matter? What happened?"

Su Zheng's face was blushing, and he even raised the volume deliberately, "It's Mr. Lu... Mr. Lu is here! Mr. Lu really gave us the face of the Su family...Miss Lin, come out with me to meet Mr. Lu."

There was a gasp among the guests.

Grandpa Lu is here!

Everyone looked at Su Zheng with more admiration than at the beginning.

I heard that the Su family is in contact with the Lu family recently, and it is very likely that they will take over a major project from the Royal Court Group.

The Su family, who used to be ordinary in City A, seems to be about to get lucky.

When Lin Shiman heard that Lu Yuchen was here, a shy smile appeared on her face.

But when he thought about his true relationship with Lu Yuchen, he couldn't help but feel timid.

Outsiders don't know about it, and even Qiao Shao, who recommended her in the past, probably doesn't know about it.

Everyone thought that she was Lu Yuchen's new love.

But only Lin Shiman knew that that night, Shao Qiao asked her to serve Master Lu. In fact, he just walked around the hotel lobby with Master Lu's assistant, and then he was sent in by the assistant who was already ready. suite.

Originally, she thought that Lord Lu would wait for her in the suite.

After entering, she found that there was no one in it except herself.

Before the assistant sent her in, she specifically explained that she would not be able to leave until the next morning.

Lin Shiman didn't understand what the other party meant at the time.

The next day, when her manager excitedly called to let her watch the news, she finally understood that her fortune had arrived!

Since that day, she has become more and more smooth in the circle.

The dignitaries who were not able to get on in the past all tried their best to invite her to various banquets.

For example, this evening, Mr. Su made a special trip to invite her over.

It's just that Lin Shiman didn't expect that he would meet Lu Ye himself here.

Master Lu... Didn't he never attend dinner parties of this level?

Before Lin Shiman could think about it, Su Zheng had already dragged her out of the banquet hall.

They were followed by curious guests. The people who came to the banquet today were almost all ordinary rich people. Few had seen Lu Yuchen's true appearance.

A group of people crowded the door, craned their necks to look out.

Lin Shiman followed behind Su Zheng, and he had already made up his mind at this time.

After seeing Lu Yuchen, even if he did everything he could, he would take down Lord Lu.

She puffed out her chest unconsciously. With her proud figure and this captivating face, she still didn't believe that any man could resist her charm.


As soon as everyone walked out of the banquet hall, they saw more than twenty black-clothed men standing outside the elevator door not far away.

Everyone pulled their faces, straightened their heads, their muscles were knotted, and their eyes were cold and ruthless.

At this moment, the elevator door dinged open.

More than 20 big men in black immediately waited solemnly.

The eyes of the crowd unconsciously fell on the open elevator entrance.

A man in a black custom suit and a woman in a bright red dress appeared in everyone's sight.

That person... is that Mr. Lu?

Everyone was almost dumbfounded...

Under the dazzling light, the man's sharp facial features were sharp and handsome.

There is a faint coldness in the deep black eyes, which makes people dare not look directly. Under the high bridge of the nose, the thin lips are pursed lightly, and the whole body exudes an elegant and compelling aura.

And the female companion beside him is also so beautiful that people dare not look directly...

The flaming red lips, the seaweed-like fluffy long hair draped over her shoulders, and her fair and delicate complexion, under the foil of the red dress, made her even more charming and moving.

Even the most expensive jewelry between her necks could not hide her beauty in the slightest.

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