Joe Mohan

Su Qing thought that she was immune to these three words.

But once again, when I heard this name from someone else's mouth, there was a kind of pain in my heart like a knife.

She took a deep breath and suppressed her ups and downs, "I've long forgotten who you said."

"Jing Shao, thank you for taking care of me these days. Without you, I can't go out. I know that you made a lot of compromises to your parents in order to marry me, but"

"Don't say any more, let's go." Huo Jingshan interrupted her.

"Get out of here before I change my mind"

Su Qing was slightly startled, and then quickly opened the door.

Outside the door, Lu Jiu's car was already waiting there.

Huo Jingshan watched the woman he loved deeply, opened the door, and walked out.

Thank you, Huo Jingshan.

He could never forget the words she left that night.

Su Qing, I love you.

Just like your love for Qiao Mohan.

Three years later, Su Qing, the vice-president of the Tang family headquartered in the city, who just returned from overseas, officially started work today.

Su Qing is a hot new director in recent years.

She learned from the veteran director Zhang Pingsheng, and a few years ago, she personally directed a costume drama The Story of the Concubine, and she has shown her edge.

In the past three years, she studied in China and worked as an assistant to several famous directors.

Earlier this year, I raised my own funds and made an independent film.

Who knew that once it was released, it caused a frenzy of global popularity.

The industry even asserted that with this play alone, Su Qing is expected to win the Oscar for Best Director next year.

It looks like,

Her future is bright.

But in the president's office on the top floor of Tang's, Su Qing, who has cut her long hair short and has a playful short hair, is worrying about her next play at this moment.

"Mr. Wang, the lowest budget for this play is this price. If it is lower, it will inevitably affect the completion of our finished product. If this price cannot be lower, will you approve the budget for me?"

Su Qing was wearing a tailored suit, her charming almond eyes staring straight at President Wang.

The current president of the Tang family is Wang Dong, the major shareholder who stood on Xinluo's side back then.

In recent years, Xinluo and Lu Yuchen have shifted their focus to City B.

Therefore, all the work on Tang's side in the city was temporarily handed over to President Wang.

President Wang sighed and pushed the document back to her.

"Su Qing, I didn't mean to embarrass you, it's really the film you want to shoot, the subject matter is too niche. Advertisers are not interested, and investors are unwilling to invest too much. Although you are famous now, we also Do you want to explain to the shareholders? The board of directors has unanimously voted it down, and with the current number, Mr. Yue will personally pay for it and give you a subsidy."

"Lolo gave me a subsidy again?" Su Qing immediately stood up when she heard it.

Over the years, she has gotten out of her emotional pain through filming.

Although he has also made award-winning and blockbuster movies, more of them are lost.

But no matter what, Lolo has been silently supporting her behind her back.

Every time a project is approved, the Tang family is asked to approve the funds. If the Tang family is not optimistic and does not approve, she will pay for it herself.

This movie is Su Qing's painstaking idea in recent years.

But she didn't want to let Xinluo pay for her blindly.

"Mr. Wang, this drama has been put on hold for now, and we won't be filming it yet." She put away the documents and prepared to leave.

"Why don't you take pictures, do you really think you have little money?"

"No." Su Qing shook her head, "The Qiao family you mentioned last time, take it for me. I have been the vice president of the Tang family for three years, and I can't always make literary films. I should go out for the Tang family. Make money."

Tang's Entertainment, which is in charge of Qiao Mohan, has developed better and better in the past two years.

Everyone in the industry knows that if you want to make money, it's right to take Qiao's drama.

Su Qing decided that she would not let Luoluo be subsidized, and rely on her own money to make dividends and make up for the funds of the lower drama.

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