The double-opening private room door was pushed open from the outside, and two burly men in black walked in front, followed by a serious-looking assistant to the president in a striped suit.

Behind the assistant, followed by a beautiful secretary with a bumpy figure and big waves.

The female secretary swayed as she walked, the water snake twisted her waist, and the black wrap skirt showed her exquisite curves undoubtedly.

After that, a man in a long black coat appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The first to enter everyone's sight are the two long legs.

The well-cut dark gray suit wrapped Qiao Mohan's tall and slender body just right.

With wide shoulders and narrow waist, and a body like a hanger, he is worthy of being the most famous playboy in China.

Wearing a long black coat without buttons and open on the outside of the suit makes Qiao Shao's momentum even more noble and powerful.

Everyone's gaze couldn't help but look up. When they saw the pair of Danfeng eyes that belonged to Qiao Mohan's signature, they couldn't help but gasp.

As expected, Shao Qiao is as legendary as the legend has it. The phoenix eyes are ecstatic and the soul is charming, and the outline of the facial features is deep and sharp.

The eyes seem to be affectionate, but they are actually ruthless, and the slightly curved lips are clearly smiling, but they make people feel awe-inspiring.

"Master Qiao..." Seeing Qiao Mohan appear, Lin Shasha immediately stood up from the crowd.

In the eyes of everyone's envy, Lin Shasha walked over as if to declare sovereignty, holding Qiao Mohan's arm: "Qiao Shao, didn't you say you don't need to come here... You are so busy with work, how tired you are to run around."

"I'm not tired." Qiao Mohan's big palm fell on Lin Shasha's waist, he simply replied, and then said to the others, "You continue, don't worry about me."

Others thought that Qiao Shao was in a hurry to make out with Lin Shasha, and immediately dispersed with interest.

But dispersing is dispersing, and all attention is on Qiao Mohan and Lin Shasha.

Some people seize the opportunity to flatter, and some people just want to see gossip.

Others secretly took out their mobile phones, took pictures and sent them to the paparazzi they knew.

Gossip like Qiao Shao and Lin Shasha has long been rumored.

Although Qiao Shao has a lot of lace news, and can make such a scene every month, but because he is handsome, handsome, charming and rich, he has remained single for many years, and he has a big market among the majority of netizens who eat melons.

In particular, it is said that although Qiao Shao is not married, he has a daughter who is more than three years old.

Doted like a treasure, but don't know who the biological mother is.

Just to guess the little princess' biological mother, every year when the little princess celebrates her birthday, there will be a quiz with prizes on Weibo to guess whether the little princess' biological mother will appear.

Just in order to guess the identity of the little princess' biological mother, the gossip media and the majority of netizens listed all the female stars who had had scandals with Qiao Shao and were in love with ten sheets of paper.

After analyzing one by one, I just couldn't find the right person for the number one.

Qiao Mohan put his arms around Lin Shasha and said a few words, just as he was about to pinch her chin for a kiss, he suddenly felt a familiar gaze towards him.

He let go of Lin Shasha for no reason, stood up, and traveled through the crowd with sharp eyes.

Lin Shasha saw the duck with its mouth flying, and stood up with some displeasure: "Young Master Qiao, who are you looking at..."

There was a smile on her face, but she was secretly vigilant.

You know, there have been such examples.

When a female star who was dating Qiao Mohan at the time was filming, she was asked to visit the class by Mr. Qiao.

Who knows, when the probing class was probing, another actress in the same crew suddenly pryed into the corner.

Lin Shasha can't see any woman in the same crew who can seduce Qiao Mohan.

If she finds out, she will be kicked out of the crew immediately and killed!

"Nothing..." Danfeng's eyes swept across the crowd, but there was nothing.

Qiao Mohan thought that at that moment, he was probably sensitive.

Just as he was about to sit down, there was a sudden noise behind him.

A soft and pleasant female voice, with a hint of resentment and anger, came from the direction of the door.

"I... I'm not drunk... Qiao Mohan, you turtle bastard, let me go... I'm still

Can drink! "

continue tomorrow

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