Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1892 She actually slept the people under her hands!

Bribery last night!

Su Qing gasped and couldn't believe it.

She stretched out her finger and pointed at Yi Nanfeng, her eyes full of astonishment shone with a gleam of incomparable astonishment.

Could it be that last night, the man who brought her to the hotel and had a relationship with her was Yi Nanfeng?

Yes, because it was Yi Nanfeng, he had to leave immediately after finishing it.

Come to think of it, even if Xinluo helped her to check, the name of the registered person could not be Yi Nanfeng himself.

Thinking of this, Su Qing immediately felt a little dizzy.

She always pays attention to the separation of public and private, and firmly disagrees that the director and the actors are not confused, because this will definitely affect her professional judgment.

And just when Su Qing was dizzy, Yi Nanfeng was also watching her.

Between his eyebrows and eyes, which were specially drawn by the makeup artist to be sharper, there was a trace of exploration.

He just saw Su Qing's ignorant appearance just now, and he was teasing for a while.

The phrase 'the bribe last night' actually refers to a series of actions that he toasted Su Qing, she was drunk, and he supported her and wanted to send her back.

Yi Nanfeng frowned slightly. Although this Director Su has a soft and squeamish baby face, he is not too young. Why is his face so thin?

Just kidding, that's it.

In fact, Yi Nanfeng is usually a loose-minded person who doesn't like rules and regulations.

Therefore, although the agent repeatedly told him to have a good relationship with Su Qing and filming well, he couldn't hide his bad taste and teased Su Qing.

" last night..." Su Qing gritted her teeth and wanted to question Yi Nanfeng.

But there are people everywhere, how can she ask her on such an occasion!

Yi Nanfeng's eyes paused slightly, he lowered his head, bent down, and narrowed the distance between the two.

With a height of 1.8 meters, he leaned down and almost covered Su Qing, who was 1.6 meters tall.

What's more, he was still wearing a large and dignified ancient imperial robe. From the perspective of others, he only felt that Yi Nanfeng was holding Su Qing in his arms.

"Isn't it saying that the actor Yi has a cold personality and hates dealing with actresses the most?"

"Yeah... I also heard that it is said that Yi Nanfeng hates working with people who do not distinguish between public and private. Why now..."

The comments of the rest of the crew fell into the ears of Yi Nanfeng's agent.

The agent Mike was dying of anxiety——

He knew that once Yi Nanfeng entered the play, it was such a virtue.

Yi Nanfeng has a lazy and casual personality. He is used to being undisciplined and is not interested in anything other than filming.

But once he's in the play, he'll put himself in the role - just like now!

He bowed slightly and held Su Qing in his arms, revealing the arrogance and arrogance that began as an emperor.

Yi Nanfeng had already replaced the stunning look when he put on this emperor's robe. Although he was still in normal communication with Su Qing, his temper, temperament, movement and temperament changed as early as the time he entered the play.

This is his habit, and he will not withdraw from the character until the filming is completed.

"Director Su, you looked so cute last night when you were drunk..." Yi Nanfeng pinched Su Qing's chin from an angle that outsiders couldn't see.

Su Qing's breathing stagnated and she almost fell.

She stared at almond eyes and lowered her voice: "Yi Nanfeng, you... it really is you!"

Damn cane, she was actually put to sleep by the actor under her hand!

And it's still the first day of launch!

"Yes, it's me, of course..." Yi Nanfeng nodded.

If it wasn't him, who else would be kind enough to drag away the director who was drunk at the banquet yesterday, yelling and scolding investors.

Although in the end, she was discovered by investors and sent away by his female secretary.

But Yi Nanfeng felt that he had done a rare good thing.


"Director Su, Director Su—"

Before Su Qing could finish her words, a rush of screams came from the direction of the dressing room.

She saw the assistant director running over anxiously, "Director Su, go take a look, Lin Shasha is removing her makeup, she won't act anymore—"

[The update is complete, see you tomorrow~ I'm going to catch up with the new book~]

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