Qiao Muer has been very smart since she was a child, and she is smarter and precocious than her peers.

Although it can't compare to Youyou, An An and Yanyan from Aunt Xinluo's house... But it's still very simple for her to tease Sister Dudu or something.

However, compared to the cleverness of the Lu family's children, this young lady of the Qiao family is most famous for her temper.

Qiao Mu'er has a very bad temper, willful, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant... In short, all the adjectives that can be used on an unruly and willful young lady can be applied to her.

Although Lin Shasha had no chance to see Qiao Mu'er before, but after inquiring many times, she understood the temperament of this Miss Qiao Mu'er.

At this time, Lin Shasha saw Su Qing staring at Qiao Mu'er in a daze, not daring to answer.

She thought that Su Qing was puncturing her private activities by herself, and she felt guilty and uneasy.

"Hmph... Director Su, if you want someone to not know you have to do it yourself. Miss Qiao asks you, why don't you dare to answer? Tell Miss Qiao where you spent the night last night. The person with you is you, but you still want to pull me into the water, let me act as a shield and cover for you..."

Speaking of this, Lin Shasha looked at Qiao Mu'er with aggrieved expression.

"Miss Qiao, I'm very innocent... If you find someone to settle the bill, you should find Director Su... It was she who pestered Young Master Qiao and asked Young Master Qiao to leave you alone."

I have to say that Lin Shasha's trick is really poisonous.

Knowing that Qiao Mu'er is not easy to provoke, and being afraid that Su Qing is Qiao Mohan's new love, she pointed the finger at Su Qing.

Sure enough, the young Qiao Mu'er was fooled.

She was a little anxious, grabbed Su Qing's hand, pouted and said, "It was you who pestered my daddy last night? It was because of you that my daddy didn't come home to see me for three days!"

The little girl's round apricot eyes flashed anger, disgust, grievance... and a little bit of emotion that couldn't be seen clearly.

She grabbed Su Qing's hand subconsciously, originally just wanting to question.

But... after Bai Nennen's small hand grabbed the other soft and slender big hand, she felt... soft, with a hint of warmth.

Little Mu'er blinked, a little dazed.

I don't understand where this strange feeling comes from.

"Miss Qiao, there is no such thing... I have nothing to do with your father." Su Qing squatted down and smiled at Qiao Mu'er.

Her tone was very soft, and after listening, there was an illusion of reassurance and warmth.

According to Su Qing's original temper, it is impossible to be so coaxing at this time.

On the contrary, she might unceremoniously throw Qiao Mu'er's hand away.

Because Su Qing doesn't like children who are unreasonable and bullying.

When I saw Qiao Muer for the first time, I thought she was cute.

But later, because of Qiao Muer's disregard for the consequences, Miss Dafa's behavior of knocking down the perfume bottle, Su Qing actually had no good feelings for her.

But... when she came over, she raised her head and asked.

When she reached out her little hand and touched hers... inexplicably, Su Qing felt a little distressed for this child who had not had a mother since she was a child.

She thought it might be empathy.

Probably because Qiao Mu'er was the same age as the baby she accidentally shed.

That's why she felt pity and was reluctant to reprimand.

"Director Su, you really know nonsense with your eyes open. It's easy to be deceived by thinking that Miss Qiao is a child—" At this moment, Lin Shasha's voice sounded.

Today, she must use Qiao Mu'er's hand to clean up Su Qing, a new rival in love.

Lin Shasha will never allow it. The golden turtle-in-law she finally caught was snatched by other women.

Thinking of this, Lin Shasha doesn't care whether the announcement will annoy Young Master Qiao or embarrass herself.

Anyway, she figured it out - when the time comes, she will appear as a victim, and Su Qing is the mistress of the corner!

"Miss Qiao, look, I have evidence here - this is the photo taken by the paparazzi at the Junyu Hotel last night. Look, the woman in the photo is Daisy. She helped the woman who entered the room, Is it Director Su!"

Recommend the new book of the city god Lao Shi:

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