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I saw He Zhang holding a large bouquet of roses in his hand, followed by a long line of waiters dressed as waiters.

The waiters were holding incubators one by one in their hands, and others were in pairs, carrying something similar to tables, chairs, and benches.

A large group of people came in from outside the studio, and after He Zhang and the dozen or so waiters who followed him came in, there were more people one after another.

After a while, those people set up tables and chairs in the empty space next to the studio.

The induction cooker, the induction cooker, the bottom of the pot, and all kinds of hot pot ingredients were all taken out of the incubator by the waiters, filling dozens of tables.

He Zhang walked all the way to Su Qing and the others, inviting those who had already finished work to go there.

"Master Qiao treats guests, Master Qiao treats guests - Master Qiao knows everyone's hard work, so he specially prepared takeaways for everyone, go and eat quickly..."

When everyone saw the congratulations, they were holding such a big bouquet of roses in their hands.

Qiao Shao sent someone to deliver the takeaway hot pot again. It was a big battle, and they all gave Lin Shasha a grateful look.

Needless to say, at first glance, it was stained with Lin Shasha's light.

It must be Shao Qiao knowing that Lin Shasha worked hard in filming, and sent him a special consolation.

By the way, handle the relationship with the crew for her.

No wonder it is rumored that Qiao Shao is very fond of Lin Shasha, and now it seems that it is really true...

It's like holding it in your hand for fear of falling, and holding it in your mouth for fear of melting. It's a great baby.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Su Qing who had a serious expression and seemed to have a bad face.

This time, Director Su should not dare to continue to treat him harshly, right?

Don't look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha. If Qiao Shao takes care of people like this, if he continues to be strict, he is afraid that there will be trouble.

Lin Shasha's thoughts are the same as others.

At this moment, seeing He Zhang approaching him with a big rose in his hand, he just thought that Qiao Mohan regretted breaking up and sent him to coax him.

Hmph, she knew that Qiao Shao was reluctant to part with her.

It's not in vain that she sprayed orange blossom perfume on purpose today.

Lin Shasha lifted her long hair to make the fragrance more pronounced.

She coughed twice, deliberately clasped her arms with both hands, and stood there pretending to be.

Just waiting for He Zhang to bring the rose to him, and then accepting it if he refuses to welcome it, it is a step down for Qiao Mohan.

Who knows, He Zhang came to her with a rose in his arms.

Just when Lin Shasha was about to speak and declined, she actually reached out her hand.

He Zhang suddenly hugged the roses and turned to Lin Shasha's left - he stuffed the large bouquet of roses into Su Qing's arms.

"Ms. Su Qing, this is a rose that our young master Qiao specially gave you. Flowers complement beauty. Qiao Shao hopes that Miss Su Qing is more delicate than flowers and delicate like roses."

After he finished speaking, He Zhang turned his head again and announced loudly to the group of stunned eating melon staff: "These hot pots are all due to Mr. Qiao's consideration for Director Su's hard work, and he specially asked me to send condolences on his behalf. You don't need to thank Mr. Qiao, Just thank Director Su, it's all Director Su's light—"

The meaning of this sentence, it is self-evident, is to make face for Su Qing.

Su Qing's expression was stunned, and she didn't react for a while.

What the hell is Qiao Mohan doing?

Last night, she threw the banknotes in his face and mocked him as a duck. With Qiao Mohan's character, I was afraid that she would hate her to death.

She thought that she would be able to stay far away in this way, but Qiao Mohan actually came here...

Not to mention Su Qing, even Lin Shasha beside her, the little assistant standing beside her, and other staff present were also dumbfounded.

How did this happen?

Isn't Qiao Shao Lin Shasha's boyfriend?

It was agreed that this play was to support Lin Shasha, how could it become to support Su Qing?

Look at the posture, it is a rose and a hot pot, it is clearly the attitude of the pursuit...

Everyone couldn't help but think about it, and they all speculated that it was really the same as the rumor that came out of the dressing room yesterday - Su Qing had actually been involved with Shao Qiao in private.

And Lin Shasha, is it just a pretense?

[There is a traffic jam on the way to get off work, the next chapter will be late, before 19:00~]

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