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"It's the same when I say it again..." Su Qing turned her head, raised her seemingly moist and soft apricot eyes, and looked directly at Qiao Mohan without fear.

"Young Master Qiao and Miss Lin are the perfect match, so don't make waves and tease others. Young Master Qiao should know very well... You are not the type I would like..."

She has, will not like him anymore.

Ever since he took the initiative to leave, he had already made up his mind that he would never like him again.

Even if it's very difficult... But, Su Qing closes her heart, doesn't feel or remembers, probably... it won't be so difficult.

"Waves?" Qiao Mohan almost bit out these two words from his mouth.

This woman named Su Qing actually described his aggressive 'pursuit' as a frenzy! ! !

After all, Master Qiao is also a famous single aristocrat in China. There are countless women who want to climb his bed one after another, be his daughter's stepmother, and marry him to become Mrs. Qiao.

But this woman named Su Qing is good - she, she, she actually said that she was mad!

Even though Qiao Mohan was pampering and pampering women, he couldn't bear it any longer. He held Su Qing's big palm and tightened it. The next second, he wanted the bodyguard to catch this damn woman and punish him severely. .

But when the words came to the mouth, for some reason, there was still hesitation that people could not bear to be rough with her.

Taking advantage of this half-second hesitation, Su Qing said coolly: "Qiao Shao, if there is nothing else, please let it go. Our crew still needs to film."

Saying that, she grabbed Qiao Mohan's hand with her other hand, and mercilessly pulled it down.

Even though this made her slender wrists have clear red marks because they were pulled out forcibly.

The distance between the two was so close that no one else could see it, but Qiao Mohan could clearly see the red mark on Su Qing's wrist.

So deep, you can imagine how painful it was when she forcibly pulled out her wrist.

Qiao Mohan frowned, a hint of confusion flashed in his deep and narrow phoenix eyes.

The words in my heart, I said subconsciously: "You hate me so much?"

Being able to do this is definitely not hard-to-find... For the first time, Qiao Mohan deeply realized that this woman named Su Qing really didn't like him.

"Oh, the question asked by Qiao Shao is really... ridiculous." Su Qing hooked her lips, and the curvature of the corners of her lips was mocking.

"I didn't hate Qiao Shao at all. Before this cooperation, I only regarded Qiao Shao as a stranger. After the cooperation, you are my boss and investor, but..."

Su Qing lowered her voice and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "After last night, I think it's better for me to hate Young Master Qiao. After all, men who force others to have sex are not gentlemen."

Saying that, Su Qing put her hands on Qiao Mohan's chest, pushed him back, and gently pushed him.

Turn around and walk quickly to the outside of the studio.

God knows what she said just now, how much effort it took to tell Qiao Mohan at such a close distance.

She needs to be alone for a while, quiet.

And Qiao Mohan was stunned for several seconds after Su Qing pushed him away.

When he reacted, Su Qing's figure had gone far.

Subconsciously, he wanted to catch up, but Qiao Mohan did not allow himself to take the initiative to join after being rejected by this woman in public.

There were hundreds of pairs of eyes watching him.

Dignified Young Master Qiao, how can you do such a shameful thing.

"He Zhang—" Qiao Mo called out in a cold voice, "throw these flowers away..."

His face was gloomy, and his chest almost exploded with anger.

Looking sideways to see the flower in Lin Shasha's hand, he did not forget to command: "All are thrown away, not a single flower can be left..."

[First update, next update before 19:00~]

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