Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1949 The whole crew thought that Su Qing had lost her love

( ) "Director Su, why don't you take a break and shoot the night show another day?" the assistant director on the side couldn't help but persuade. The other cast members and staff around also cast sympathetic and concerned eyes. In the eyes of these people, Su Qing and Qiao Mohan should be a pair. Although Su Qing rejected Qiao Mohan in public two months ago. But not long after, the young lady from Qiao's family followed Su Qing into the crew, calling her 'Mom Su Qing' all day long. The whole crew was shocked at first, and then it was no surprise. It's obvious that Qiao Shao must have pursued Su Qing in private, so he chased the beauty back. Everyone got off the show, and they all discussed this when they sat and chatted together. However, after two months of cooperation, the attitude of the crew towards Su Qing is not as simple as watching the fun and gossip as before. To be honest, if Shao Qiao can really marry Su Qing, everyone will think that Shao Qiao has vision. Director Su has no shortcomings except that his family background is less than that of Qiao. The person is beautiful and has a good personality, and the business ability is strong and professional. And he looks so good-looking, but he doesn't have a charming temper at all. What he does as a director is the most serious and hands-on one of the crew. However, in just two months, the people in the crew took a good look at Su Qing. Su Qing shook her head: "No need, the night scene will start at night. This scene is the highlight of Lin Shasha's single role, and it must be finished tonight. Tomorrow Yi Nanfeng will return to the crew, and then we will focus on the two of them. The same scene. Yi Nanfeng's schedule is relatively tight, so it can't be wasted." The assistant director heard it, too. Yi Nanfeng, as a popular traffic actor, although he did not play at the same time, he usually has a lot of advertising endorsements, and he will take a day or two off from time to time to shoot commercials. The contract signed by the crew and Yi Nanfeng is 100 days in total. In order to invite him to come, he also agreed to leave at any time, so as soon as Yi Nanfeng left, Su Qing would focus on capturing other people's roles. Try to shoot all the scenes of Yi Nanfeng when he comes back. "Well then, the night show will continue at night. But Director Su, don't come tonight, you should go back and rest. Lin Shasha has been trained well by you recently, and I'll watch her drama for you." The director observed Su Qing's face while talking, for fear that she would suddenly cry while talking. After all, I just learned from my former rival that my boyfriend is dating someone. Alas... Although Director Su held on, it still hurts in his heart.

Not only the assistant director, but other crew members on the side also came to persuade Su Qing to rest, saying that the crew's affairs were left to them and they could handle it well. Su Qing was coaxed to the point where she couldn't help, especially the assistant director's face. It's always impossible to tell him that he's coming to shoot, so don't worry about it. So, Su Qing returned to the lounge under the sympathetic and caring eyes of everyone. "Mother Su Qing, you're here!" As soon as the little bun Qiao Mu'er saw Su Qing entering the door, she jumped off the sofa and threw herself into Su Qing's arms. Su Qing hugged Qiao Muer, who seemed to have gained a lot of weight recently. For Qiao Mu'er's title, it has been corrected to the point where it is impossible to correct, and can only be left passively. "How is it, how did you learn today?" She rubbed Qiao Mu'er's head and looked at the two people behind her with a smile. Xiaomi and Cai Cai were originally two assistants beside her. Now because Qiao Mu'er is here, she has become the nanny and part-time tutor for Qiao Mu'er's children. Although it is not as qualified as the highly qualified tutor that the Qiao family hired for Qiao Mu'er, it is still no problem to teach a four-year-old child. "Well, I've learned everything. I recognized ten characters, learned pinyin, and learned addition and subtraction." Qiao Muer answered with a sweet smile on her pink cheeks. As soon as Su Qing saw her smile, she felt relieved after hearing some news just now. She squatted down and pinched Qiao Mu'er's smiling face: "Aunt Su Qing can get off work early today, it's still early... How about it, where do you want to go? After dinner, Aunt Su Qing can take you there. "Qiao Mu'er thought for a while, and her dark eyes rolled: "Well... Mu'er doesn't want to play, Mu'er wants to eat delicious food." [First update, next chapter in 5 minutes]

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