( ) Xiao Muer suddenly shouted that she wanted to change positions, and Ren Hanlei was overjoyed. Just now I thought Qiao Mu'er was a little uneducated, but now it's more and more pleasing to the eye. Change positions, then Qiao Mohan can sit beside him. Ren Hanlei didn't show it on her face, but she was secretly happy, after all, she really liked Qiao Mohan. She looked shyly and timidly as Qiao Mohan sat beside her at Qiao Muer's request. Just as she was happy, she found that Qiao Muer and Su Qing also sat down. Qiao Muer sat opposite her, while Su Qing—— she actually sat directly opposite Qiao Mohan. As long as the two of them raise their eyes, they can look at each other, and there is no one else in the huge restaurant. However, Ren Hanlei had nothing to do about it. Because Qiao Mohan is sitting beside her, it doesn't matter if he can't see her, she doesn't even know if Qiao Mohan is looking at Su Qing or not paying attention to each other! Regret, annoyance, shame, jealousy... fill my heart. Ren Hanlei wanted to change his position, so that Qiao Mohan could sit opposite him, so that he could look at her with a frown and a smile, only her existence in his eyes. More importantly, she couldn't tolerate Qiao Mohan and Su Qing's cheating under her nose. However, Ren Hanlei has no choice, it is obviously not suitable to say such words on such occasions. So—her regret, annoyance, shame, and jealousy were all transferred to Su Qing. After Qiao Muer and Su Qing ordered again, the waiter walked away, Ren Hanlei introduced herself with a smile, and exchanged a few words. The topic suddenly changed. "By the way, Miss Qiao, Mo Han and I are very grateful to you for taking care of Mu'er. We were talking when you weren't here just now, saying that Miss Qiao took good care of Mu'er. Speaking of which, my little niece and I were talking with each other. Mu'er is about the same age, but she is not as smart and sensible as Mu'er... It must be because Miss Qiao teaches well. So I want to take the liberty to ask, Miss Qiao, do you know any other nanny aunts? If so, could you please introduce us? , the price is not a problem, the key is to be as professional as you." Ren Hanlei has always maintained a decent smile on her face. When she spoke, she was even more sincere and sincere, as if Mrs. Ren had never told her that Su Qing was a little director. She asked this deliberately, as if she was really worried about her little niece, and as if she really thought Su Qing was a nanny. As soon as the voice fell, Qiao Mohan kept staring at Su Qing's phoenix eyes, and he squinted. Su Qing's soft apricot eyes suddenly turned cold.

The irony in Ren Hanlei's words can be heard as long as he is not a fool. If it was changed before, Su Qing would probably repay Ren Hanlei without hesitation. But now... Sensing the man sitting opposite her, the sight on her face became deep and burning. Su Qing didn't dare to raise her eyes. From the moment she sat opposite Qiao Mohan, she could feel the real line of sight. She didn't know what Qiao Mohan was thinking, why did she stare at her with a gaze so strong that she could feel it clearly without raising her head. But now, his woman, Ren Hanlei, is finding fault. Could it be that Qiao Mohan was going to let it go like this? Ren Hanlei is still continuing: "Why doesn't Miss Su speak? Miss Su don't need to be shy, you taught Mu'er so well, it looks like a professional nanny aunt." A milky voice: "Aunt Su Qing is not a nanny. Aunt Su Qing is Mu'er's mother. Mu'er's favorite Su Qing mother!"

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