( ) "Why are you crying so well..." The man's long and narrow Danfeng eyes were raised slightly, and the playfulness at the end of the eyes was a little lighter than before. Instead, there was a touch of coldness. He loves fragrance and cherishes jade, he can coax women when they cry, and understands sentiment. However, for some reason, seeing Su Qing crying, Qiao Mohan frowned subconsciously, with a cold look in his eyes, very displeased. Subconsciously, Qiao Mohan lifted his slender and clean fingers, brushed against the soft and thin skin under Su Qing's eyes. He frowned, his eyes became even colder, he made no effort to hide his displeasure, and even his tone was disgusting. However, the slightly cold fingertips subconsciously relaxed their movements. It can be said that she was very gentle and considerate, and wiped away the tears from the corners of Su Qing's eyes. Su Qing's eyelids trembled slightly, startled by Qiao Mohan's sudden 'gentleness'. She leaned back and dodged. But he persevered, and said in a soft voice with a hint of unsure hoarseness: "Qiao Mohan...you are a big wax gourd...you..." "Tsk..." Qiao Mohan glanced at Su Qing unhappy glance. The slightly slanted phoenix eyes, the casual banter has completely faded: "Miss Su, even if you cry, I won't let you. If you continue to scold people so childishly, I will really get angry." Qiao Mohan's eyes flickered, The ink-colored pupils are like being soaked in cold water, and people can feel chills just by looking at them. And Su Qing looked at him, looking at him deeply - even if he hadn't been threatened by him with such eyes, her heart was already as cold as water at this moment. The coldness pierced her bones, and the chill in her heart rushed from her back all the way up to the back of her head. —— ‘Should I call or not? Xiao Qingqing, don't call your husband a nickname, if you are disobedient, be careful and I will eat you right now...' 'You have a good idea...It seems that if I don't call you, you won't bully me. Hmph, Qiao Mohan is a big winter melon... a big winter melon... five years, ten years, twenty years... I will call you that when you are old! ’ ‘Well, it seems that I didn’t tidy up my little wild cat. Since you like to call it a big wax gourd so much, let’s call it a lifetime. When you get old and can’t walk anymore, I’ll see how you can escape...' ... Memories are like movies, those noisy and sweet days when you once fell in love , and now sitting in front of Su Qing, looking at her with a kind of indifference and strangeness, even with some suspicion and suspicion. Formed a stark contrast. Here she sits, holding his baby,

Because of his words, I burst into tears. But he sat there beside her, but he was so indifferent. It was as if they had not only been in contact with each other and then separated - Qiao Mohan seemed to have forgotten her a long time ago. For Qiao Mohan, she, Su Qing, is not even worth nostalgic for. Yes, that's right... Su Qing finally understood in Qiao Mohan's eyes what his casual and playful eyes meant. He treated her as a stranger, without love or hatred—she, Su Qing, had already become a passer-by in Qiao Mohan's life. The sudden epiphany made Su Qing gasp uncontrollably. She thought she hated Qiao Mohan more, she thought she had forgotten him more, but she actually had a relationship with this man again less than a month after returning to China. On the contrary, it was Qiao Mohan who deliberately pretended that he didn't remember, that he didn't remember anything. Even when she scolded him with the 'nickname' they used to love the most, he was able to be so calm, without the slightest emotion. Compared with her softened attitude, Qiao Mohan is the real ruthless one. You can chat and laugh happily with her, but always keep the most indifferent distance. This man's eyes are cold, his heart is cold, love - even colder.

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