Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1971 It is impossible for us 2 to go back to the past

( ) Qiao Muer is the baby she lost, and her baby is Qiao Muer... Although the news came so suddenly, it didn't make sense, and Su Qing didn't have the slightest bit of defense when it came - she had to accept it if she was caught off guard. For others, it is simply unacceptable news. But Su Qing didn't have any doubts at all. The moment Xin Luo said this, she had accepted this fact without hesitation. There is no doubt, no doubt, except that because Xin Luo is her best friend, she trusts Xin Luo 100%. More importantly, it was the feeling Qiao Muer gave her. Blood relationship is probably such a strange thing—the first meeting between her and Muer was obviously not pleasant, and the little guy came to find fault, but in the end, little Muer was able to sleep peacefully in her arms. And she has always hated brats who are arrogant and have no manners. But facing Mu'er, she could see the truth behind her stubborn arrogance, lack of security, and longing for the attention of her family. If this is not a blood relationship, but is due to nature, then Su Qing doesn't know what else is. So, when Xin Luo revealed the answer to this years-old mystery to her, she didn't hesitate at all. Immediately, she accepted that Qiao Muer was her baby. "Lolo... Mu'er, how has Mu'er been doing these years? I remember the first time I saw that child, she was still running away from home... Is she, is she having a bad life?" Su Qing reminded her to ask nervously, her heart was full of self-blame. Although the past two months of getting along with Xiao Mu'er let her know that the Qiao family actually dotes on Mu'er to the utmost. But she has seen the situation where Mu'er traveled thousands of miles to find her father, and she also saw the situation where little Mu'er came to the crew to scold Lin Shasha. Children need more than just material care. Their hearts are still very small and fragile, and the younger the child, the more sensitive they are. They seem innocent and innocent, but in fact, they are more sensitive to the sincerity and hypocrisy by adults. "What...Xiaoqing, have you met Mu'er beforehand?" Xinluo was surprised, "Then have you seen Qiao Mohan? You and him..." On the other end of the phone, I heard 'Qiao Mohan' three Su Qing's heart twitched lightly at the word. She took a short breath before slowly saying: "Well, I've met... I've seen them all... It's a long story, anyway... Because of work, I have met them all. Seemingly afraid that Xinluo would misunderstand, Su Qing quickly added: "I have nothing to do with Qiao Mohan,

He...he already has his own life, I can see that he has treated me as a too, you know I've forgotten him a long time ago...the two of us, it's impossible to go back to the past up. " Su Qing didn't dare to tell Xin Luo that she had sex with Qiao Mohan twice as soon as she came back. If Xin Luo found out about this, she was really afraid that even if Xin Luo quarreled with Lu Yuchen, she would force Lu Yuchen to fight with him. Qiao Mohan tied her up in front of her. "You...Xiao Qing, you have met each other a long time ago, why didn't you tell me? "Xin Luo gasped, and couldn't help but stretch out her hands to mess up her black hair. If Xiaoqing had known that Qiao Mohan had met, she wouldn't have had to hold it so hard. Also, how could Qiao Mohan not love him? Xiaoqing, it's clearly the sequelae of a bad love. The so-called hypnosis is to make Qiao Mohan forget the woman he loves the most. The more indifferent he is to Su Qing, the more he loves Su Qing. Do you behave? Xinluo couldn't take it anymore, she really couldn't take it anymore. She felt sad for Xiaoqing, and Qiao Mohan. They were so in love with each other, why did they become like this. ... How sad and pitiful... Xin Luo's crystal clear peach eyes were full of tears. She held the phone and struggled a few times - she clearly knew in her heart that with Mr. Qiao around, not telling Su Qing the truth was the best arrangement. However, the heart is constantly struggling.

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