Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 2007 The little princess is not having a good time

Little Qiao Muer just raised her chin arrogantly and stood there with her back straight.

She looked soft and petite, but Su Qing standing behind her saw a tough and tall image from her small body.

At that moment, she seemed to see herself.

Back then, after her mother passed away, she faced the spooky self in the Su family alone.

Su Qing was moved - her daughter was really her daughter.

From the outside to the inside, Mu'er is not only similar to her soft and petite appearance when she was a child, but even her inner toughness and hardness are the same as hers.

But at the same time, Su Qing also felt sorry for her—her little Mu'er.

Little Mu'er was originally the eldest daughter of the Qiao family. It can be said that she was born with a golden spoon in her mouth. She should live a graceful and carefree life.

But there is such a strong difference between such a small Qiao Muer and Dudu of Xinluo's family.


Because there is no one around her who can protect her and take care of her.

Her growth must depend on herself.

Domineering and domineering is her protective color, and arrogance and rudeness are the spikes in her defense...

Su Qing was moved, and her eye sockets were slightly wet. She didn't even remember that this was the first time her eye sockets got wet after seeing Mu'er.

Qiao Muer's lectures showed the unique domineering and powerfulness of the young lady of the Qiao family.

Although she was still young, her aura made most of the people present fearful.

The servants all fell silent and lowered their heads quietly.

Only Liu Butler, after listening to Qiao Muer's words, the disapproval in his eyes was even worse than before.

"Miss Mu'er, according to Madam's instructions, we will try our best to fulfill your request. But—about the... oh... woman surnamed Su..."

Butler Liu's critical eyes passed Qiao Mu'er, and glanced at Su Qing's 'coquettish bitch' face.

Undisguised, the contempt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Mu'er, Madam has given me a heavy responsibility to take good care of you and the young master. If you bring such a woman home, it will not only spoil yourself, but also affect the young master, so--I can't accept it, you guys Go there immediately and drive this woman away."

Butler Liu straightened his back and raised his chin.

That contemptuous and arrogant attitude towards Su Qing was not concealed at all.

She didn't dare to be so presumptuous to Qiao Muer, but to Su Qing... Hehe, she was just another coquettish slut who wanted to get in the room.

It's just that the woman in the past only knew how to attack the young master, so she might not be able to deal with the young lady.

This time, he has some skills, and knows how to start with the young lady.

"You...Which one of you dares to do it!" Qiao Mu'er's face turned pale, obviously she didn't expect that Butler Liu would dare to ask someone to drive Su Qing out immediately.

She opened her hands to block Su Qing, raised her small face and gave an order to Steward Liu, and the servants who were about to come scolded: "If any of you dare to take a step forward, I will dismiss you immediately!"

Xiao Mu'er seems to be strong, but in fact she is just a child under five years old, and her words are like paper tigers.

It's okay to be scary, but if you really want to do it, you may not be able to make it.

Facing the servants who suddenly didn't listen to her orders, even though she was strong and calm, she protected Su Qing—in fact, her heart was beating drums.

Daddy isn't here, neither are grandparents, nor is great-grandfather...

Su Qing looked at Little Mu'er who was still holding out her arms to block her even though she felt guilty, and suddenly understood what kind of life this child has lived in Qiao's house for so many years.

It's probably the kind that looks dignified and doesn't worry about food and clothing.

But when there were no adults around, he was beaten to death by old servants like 'Steward Liu' with all kinds of so-called rules.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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