"Wow... Mama Su Qing, you are so amazing... That movement just now, hey - like the wind! Mu'er has to learn from Mu'er!"

Although Qiao Muer is a little princess, she looks like a doll on the outside, but she is just like Su Qing in her heart.

She is a "female man" with a chivalrous style.

She was amazed by Su Qing's handsome and flowing movements just now. She hugged Su Qing's arm with her two small hands and pursed her cherry mouth to flatter her.

In the pair of almond eyes that were withdrawn from Su Qingru, there was a light of envy and admiration.

"Well, I'll teach you later." Su Qing rubbed Little Mu'er's head and smiled softly at her.

Then he raised his eyes to look at Butler Liu, but changed into a pair of cold eyes.

"Steward Liu, don't use chicken feathers as arrows. What is Mu'er's identity, what is your identity, you and so many people present must know better than me as an outsider. I think you have stayed in City A for a long time , Emperor Shangao has forgotten his duty, so he thinks of bullying a little girl like this."

"You don't think that everything you did here today, such as bullying the little lady of the Qiao family, can always be hidden, and will never be known by Young Master Qiao or the elders above?"

"If you are sensible, I advise you to leave now. Otherwise, you will only be liquidated by Mr. Qiao along with this Steward Liu."

In a few simple words, all the stakes are clearly stated.

The servants who still wanted to surround them finally showed a hesitant expression.


In any case, Ms. Mu'er is the master, even if Qiao Shao is usually too busy to ask questions, Mrs. Qiao and Master Qiao are both in City B.

But if the little lady files a complaint, she will really pursue it... Even if Mrs. Qiao can keep Steward Liu, the rest of them cannot.

In an instant, the servants retreated.

Seeing this, Butler Liu immediately scolded: "You... who told you to return it! What are you afraid of what this woman said... She is a dubious woman, she..."


A crisp sound suddenly interrupted Butler Liu's words.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Su Qing casually grabbed the silver vessel on the coffee table in the living room, and threw it at Butler Liu when no one expected it.

Butler Liu, who was scolding Su Qing one by one as a 'nothing woman', was hit by the utensil Su Qing threw.

That crisp sound was the sound of that thing hitting Butler Liu's forehead.

"Ah - I see blood, I see blood..." Butler Liu felt a pain in her forehead, and dizziness hit her.

She took off the hand covering her forehead, saw a red spot, and almost fainted from fright.

Su Qing sneered: "This is just a small lesson, next time you want to speak out like this again, it will be more than that."

With that said, she picked up Qiao Muer and left through the main entrance openly.

With Su Qing's words just now and that warning, no one dared to stop them this time.


Su Qing took Qiao Muer back to her apartment, and put hot water for the little guy to take a bath.

He also cooks for her a bowl of simple, but very life-like tomato fried egg noodles.

Watching Xiao Mu'er change into her pajamas, sit at the dining table and 'suck and suck' eating noodles.

Su Qing couldn't help raising the corners of her lips, feeling unprecedented satisfaction.

However, the tranquility and beauty did not last long, and a phone call broke the tranquility——

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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