"Understood?" Yi Nanfeng finished telling Qiao Muer, and patted her little shoulder. "→...e

Only then did Qiao Muer come back to her senses in a daze.

Too bad, she was so engrossed in the gentle and warm smile of the actor's uncle just now, that she almost forgot her position!

Xiao Mu'er quickly regained her senses: "Understood..."

Before he finished speaking, there was another knock on the door—"The people inside, please open the door and let us interview, okay? Let's just ask a few words, and then leave!"

As soon as the paparazzi's voice came in, Xiao Mu'er grabbed the door.

Following what Yi Nanfeng taught just now, she said loudly in a crying voice: "Uncle who doesn't know knocks on the door, but can't open the door... Mom and Dad said that you can't open the door to strangers when you are alone at home! I won't open the door." not open……"

The two paparazzi outside the door were very sure that the person inside was Yi Nanfeng, but upon hearing this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

The two murmured in low voices: "What's going on, I clearly saw his elevator go up to this floor when I was downstairs."

"Yes, it's on this floor. There are two rooms in total. I asked about the one on the opposite side, and there are two elderly people living in it. The property management said that the young people living in this house..."

The property management of this community is strict, and it was impossible to disclose the information of the residents.

But these two paparazzi have great powers, and they used other identities to cover up their purpose, and instead let the property cooperate with their 'investigation'.

"Wuuuuuuuuuu...the baby won't open the door, the baby is afraid...the baby wants to call mom and dad..."

At this moment, the cry of a little girl came from behind the door.

When the two paparazzi heard it, the child was about to call their parents.

I was afraid that when the child's parents came back later, they would startle the property side and expose their lies—the two dared not stay, and immediately picked up their things and walked away with their tails between their legs.

Xiao Mu'er's superb 'acting skills' deceived the two of them.

Seeing the paparazzi leave, Xiao Mu'er immediately threw herself into Su Qing's embrace happily, arching her neck with her little head to beg for praise.

"Mother Qingqing, Mu'er is not very powerful..."

"Amazing, our Mu'er is the best, BB!" Su Qing held little Mu'er in her arms and praised her enough.

After comforting him, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Yi Nanfeng - "Mr. Yi, now that the paparazzi are gone, shouldn't you also leave?"

Running into Yi Nanfeng was a coincidence, but it was obviously not a coincidence that Yi Nanfeng ran into her house suddenly.

Xiao Mu'er is here now, and Su Qing didn't bother to ask why Yi Nanfeng pushed her in.

Anyway, she doesn't accept the idea of ​​hiding from the paparazzi.

Su Qing's order to see off the guests was very obvious, but Yi Nanfeng not only refused to leave, but also walked back and sat on the sofa opposite.

The man sat down casually, his long legs folded together, and his expression became a little more lazy: "Those paparazzi won't leave so easily, even if they don't guard the door, they will guard downstairs. It's self-inflicted to go down now." , Qingqing, it is impossible for you not to understand."


Su Qing raised her eyebrows and came again.

She was about to correct Yi Nanfeng's tone when the little Mu'er who was nestled in her arms exploded: "Qingqing is Mu'er's exclusive name, uncle, you are not allowed to call him!"

Miss Qiao Muer is very cautious... only Daddy can call her this title.

Others... are not allowed.

However, Miss Qiao, who is more than arrogant but not imposing, is Yi Nanfeng's opponent.

The man's black eyebrows were raised slightly, his glass-like eyes twinkled, and he said with a smile, "But the name Qingqing sounds nice. Uncle also wants to be like Mu'er and call your mother Su Qing better."

Qiao Muer: "..."

Hmm... It seems that this is the reason?

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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