No one expected that a scandal about Yi Nanfeng and Su Qing's "family of three" would involve the real boss in the circle.

And at this moment, on the set, the filming of the last major scene was finally over.

The crew, who have been busy all this time, don't know at this moment that Qiao's Entertainment has just held a press conference on the other side of the city.

"Card——Thank you, everyone, the filming of the last major scene is over. Everyone, go to rest, today's filming is over." Su Qing finished speaking loudly with a loudspeaker, and the staff on the set, who had been busy all day, finally relaxed. Take a breath.

Just now, when a staff member told Su Qing that Qiao Muer's face photo was exposed.

At that moment, in front of everyone, Su Qing turned around and kicked sideways, smashing a chair abruptly.

At that time, the whole staff was shocked.

Even Lin Shasha, who had provoked trouble before, was pale at that moment, feeling the anger flooding Su Qing's body, she didn't even dare to move.

What gossip, what rumors, following Su Qing's kick, were all blocked by the "Harem" crew.

At that time, everyone thought that Su Qing would end the filming immediately and seek media clarification.

But... After taking a deep breath, she held her trembling fists and calmed down.

At that time, to everyone's surprise, Su Qing said——"Continue shooting, this scene can't be delayed any longer, I hope everyone present can do their best to make this scene well. Because after the filming, I have to deal with some personal matters .”

Absolutely strong and calm, absolutely professional...but her trembling hands also showed her anger at the moment.

Looking at Su Qing like this, looking at the chair not far away that was kicked by her, at that moment, even Lin Shasha dared not make it again.

Everyone settled down, cooperated with her, and tried their best to perfect their work.

In this way, the main event that was expected to be NG many times, unexpectedly passed all of it in one good run.

Lin Shasha's performance in this scene can definitely be called the pinnacle of her acting skills since she has been in the arts for so long.

"Everyone, move faster, dismantle everything, and finish work early today."

With a clear and clear voice, Su Qing instructed the staff in the arena.

And at this moment, Yi Nanfeng, who was still wearing the emperor's costume, walked over in full view of everyone.

"Su Qing, we should have a private discussion about those rumors on the Internet. This matter is not about the two of us as adults. It has already involved Mu'er. In my opinion, a press conference must be held to explain this time, and we must Those few media outlets who maliciously speculated and distorted the facts lodged a complaint."

"No need." Su Qing coldly refused, "I will figure out a solution for this matter, you just need to take care of yourself. As for Mu'er, I will seek justice for her."

She, Su Qing, is not real, a new director who has no power to fight back.

After all, she also studied under a famous family, and half of the show business circle is her senior brothers and sisters. It's just that I was abroad before, and I didn't want to use the name of a teacher to mess around, so I didn't know the circle of Hua Guo well.

Besides, she still has a company behind her, and a good girlfriend who will always stand up for her.

The gold-medal lawyer of the Reddington family is too wasteful to deal with these paparazzi.

"Mr. Yi, make up the last two shots tomorrow, and your role will be finished." Speaking of this, Su Qing looked at Yi Nanfeng.

"Tomorrow's movie will be filmed by the assistant director, so I won't be there if I have something to do. Congratulations to you in advance, Mr. Yi. We have enjoyed working together. I hope we won't see each other in the next movie."

Speaking of this, she lightly raised her right hand towards Yi Nanfeng.

This posture is to separate himself from Yi Nanfeng.

【The next chapter before 18:20】

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