Cai Cai: "This...isn't it Miss Su Qing?"

Xiaomi rolled his eyes, "Do you look like it?"

Cai Cai: "Like, the eyes of Sister Su Qing and Little Mu'er are very similar..."

Xiaomi rolled her eyes again, "There are many people with similar eyes, but it's just because Sister Su Qing and Miss Mu'er both have almond eyes, so they feel similar. Tsk... I don't think they are mother and daughter, if they are mother and daughter, Sister Su Qing As soon as I saw Miss Mu'er, I would definitely recognize her as a relative, how could I wait until now."

Cai Cai thought for a while and nodded: "Yes... Now that I think about it, the first time Miss Mu'er came here to make trouble was because of that Lin Shasha. At that time, she and Sister Su Qing obviously didn't know each other. Besides, I remember It is said in the circle that Miss Mu'er's biological mother is a greedy woman—maybe, it was because of her that Sister Su Qing gave up her identity as Mrs. Qiao and went away."

The two gossiping little assistants have already imagined a whole sadomasochistic love story in an instant.

In the story, Qiao Mohan and Su Qing were originally a couple, but because Qiao Mohan was too bothered to mess with other women outside and made the other women's stomachs bigger, Su Qing went to country M in a fit of anger and never came back.

And Qiao Muer was obviously the child born to that woman.

Now that Su Qing is back, the husband and wife have settled their suspicions.

That greedy woman hadn't appeared for a long time, and Qiao Muer was cute and cute.

Because of this, Su Qing no longer cared about Qiao Mohan's criminal record.

The couple reconciled accordingly.

The gossip that the two little assistants brainstormed was also a brainstorming summary pieced together by the media and netizens based on various gossip.

For a while, Su Qing was Qiao Mohan's original partner, and the news that the young lady of the Qiao family might be an illegitimate daughter slowly began to spread like wildfire in the upper class and entertainment circles.


And now, before everything fermented, Su Qing was being held tightly by Qiao Mohan as she walked into the main villa of the Qiao family where she had just left yesterday with Qiao Muer in her arms.

"Master, Madam, Miss, welcome home—"

When Qiao Mohan held the hands of Su Qing and Qiao Muer and appeared outside the gate of the villa at the same time.

The servants headed by Butler Liu, who disobeyed Su Qing and even insulted her yesterday, all stood in two rows in an orderly manner, and bowed respectfully to welcome the real master of the house.

Qiao Mohan didn't say a word about their welcome.

He just held Su Qing's hand and sat on the sofa in the living room.

Soon, Butler Liu came over with slippers.

Butler Liu's eye sockets were still red and slightly swollen, as if he had cried hard.

Butler Liu is not young anymore, and has always stood out among the servants.

Relying on the fact that he was sent by Mrs. Qiao, he never looked down on the servants around him.

But this time, she was taught so badly that she lost all face, and was also kicked out of the housekeeper position and directly demoted to a low-level maid.

How could such a sharp and strong person like her endure such a 'humiliation'.

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves. The low-level servants of Qiao's family have a leisurely job and a heavy salary, which is much better than the casual ordinary jobs outside.

Steward Liu also has to support the family. Her son is still studying abroad, not to mention her husband is still working at Mrs. Qiao's natal family.

In fact, the Qiao family has always been generous to their servants, and Qiao Mohan is not someone who is so small that he wants to take down others to vent his anger.

The only thing to blame is that Steward Liu himself was ungrateful when he gained power, he didn't have any virtue in his mouth, and even secretly treated Qiao Mu'er coldly.

Otherwise, Qiao Mohan wouldn't have beaten her most concerned face so badly.

"Master, change your shoes..." Butler Liu half-kneeled beside Qiao Mohan with his slippers in his hand, trying to take off his shoes for him.

Qiao Mohan's savage Danfeng raised his eyes, "I'll change it for my wife first."

Butler Liu: ...

[The update is complete, see you at 6 o'clock tomorrow night~]

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