"Yi Nanfeng was an accident..."

It was just because Yi Nanfeng avoided the paparazzi, and it happened that his grandparents lived opposite her, so the accident happened.

Su Qing subconsciously wanted to explain, but before she could explain, Qiao Mo's cold and harsh tone blocked her throat.

"I don't care if it's an accident or not, I just look at the result——Su Qing, you're going to cheat and hook up with other men and ignore my business, but you can't involve Mu'er in this kind of thing. Mu'er is Qiao's young lady, I Qiao Mohan's daughter is a daughter of a thousand gold—do you know how humiliating it is for her to show her face in such a scandal!"

Qiao Mohan's big hand on Su Qing's jaw tightened suddenly.

In those Danfeng's eyes with a cold black color, the light and shadow intertwined, making it impossible to distinguish between those long and narrow pupils.

Is it the worry about Qiao Muer or the anger that Su Qing and other men made headlines as a family of three?

Guilty? !

At the same time, a strange light flashed across Su Qing's moist almond eyes.

She didn't notice Qiao Mohan's expression at all, she didn't notice the emotion hidden in his eyes, the only thing she noticed was the words he blurted out.

Bitch! ! !

Qiao Mohan actually called her a bitch! ! !

The anger in Su Qing's heart was burning, she pushed him hard, "Get out of the way——Mu'er's matter, it's my fault, I apologize. But I don't want to see you now, you get out of the way, I want to get out of here!"

She didn't know whether Qiao Mohan became so vile after losing his memory, or he was so vicious in the beginning, but he never showed it in front of her.

But now, the Qiao Mohan in front of her made Su Qing extremely annoying.

He is so disrespectful, how could he say something like this——

Unfortunately, even though Su Qing has practiced taekwondo, she is still weaker than Qiao Mohan in terms of strength.

As soon as her little hand touched his chest and pushed him, Qiao Mohan sank down. The man's weight was on her, and he easily pushed Su Qing back on the big bed.

Qiao Mohan pressed down from above, on Su Qing's body. The two who just finished that kind of thing and had no time to get dressed could clearly feel each other's existence.

Su Qingshui's bright almond eyes trembled slightly, and she turned away.

Qiao Mohan didn't allow her to escape, and rubbed her chin little by little with his rough fingertips, straightening her face.

"Apologize... Heh, the cheapest thing in this world is an apology. Su Qing, as I said, since you provoked this incident, you have to make amends. Make amends to Mu'er, make amends to me... Didn't you pay back just now?" Ask me sharply about my trading requirements? Okay, I'll tell you now."

Qiao Mohan's eyes were cold and evil, and while telling Su Qing the 'rules', he gently rubbed her already bright red, swollen lips with his fingertips.

"In view of the series of troubles you have caused, the content of our transaction has changed. In order to clean up the mess for you, I have to hold a press conference. You should be very clear about the content of the conference. From now on, you must follow what I told reporters. If you pass, play your role. Until the heat of this matter cools down, I can find a suitable replacement, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what...?" Su Qing heard the meaning in Qiao Mohan's words, and finally narrowed her eyes and looked him squarely.

Qiao Mohan pursed his lips, and smiled evilly: "Otherwise, you will always be my Mrs. Qiao on the surface, and my mistress in secret."

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