Hearing Su Qing's mention of a bed partner, Yi Nanfeng's upside-down face suddenly appeared in Qiao Mohan's mind.

He narrowed his eyes suddenly, and there was a treacherous dark light in his eyes.

Su Qing—how many men does she have, and how many other love histories he doesn't know about?

Qiao Mohan never cared whether his female partner had other exes, in his opinion, the relationship is now in progress.

Nothing to do with the past, nothing to do with the future.

There has never been a moment like this

He was careless. It seems that he has to investigate this woman again and find out her emotional experience.

Qiao Mohan's eyes flashed, and he never admitted that he did it because he cared.

No, it's not.

He just wanted to investigate this woman's background. Even if it was a fake Mrs. Qiao, he couldn't tarnish Qiao Mohan's name.

"It seems that your love history is richer than I imagined..." Qiao Mohan let go of Su Qing's chin, and said coldly: "But don't forget, your current identity is Mrs. Qiao, and even Mu'er's mother. Your words and deeds will directly affect Mu'er, you are the one who involved her in this matter, and you must be responsible to her."

Su Qing's moist eyes dimmed when she heard Qiao Mohan's words.

"Don't worry, I will be responsible to Mu'er at any time."

Su Qing cheered up and fought back coldly: "But... I can't make any guarantees about Young Master Qiao. After all, you are not my responsibility..."

After Su Qing finished speaking, she stood up.

She didn't want to stay with Qiao Mohan, so she was going to find Qiao Muer in the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she got up, Qiao Mohan grabbed her wrist. As soon as the man tried his best, Su Qing fell down and was pushed down by Qiao Mohan on the sofa.

"Su Qing, what did you say...you say it again? I don't care what you were like before, but you are my woman now, my wife, if you dare to cuckold me Qiao Mohan, believe it or not, I am here now I've done it for you!"

Right here, in the living room of Qiao's villa.

At any time, there might be servants passing by, or when Qiao Muer came back.

Qiao Mohan - he can do it!

A flash of anger flashed in Su Qing's eyes, and she fought back without showing any weakness: "Who says I am your wife? We said it before, and that's a deal. Since it's a deal, you live yours, I live mine, and I also choose a spouse." Power, Qiao Mohan, don't you..."

"Pa——" Qiao Mohan slightly propped up half of his body, and threw the two red books on the coffee table in front of Su Qing.

"You, this... this is..."

Su Qing suddenly lost the ability to speak...

"This is our marriage certificate, Su Qing, please see clearly - you are now my Qiao Mohan's woman, not only physically, but also legally."

He took Su Qing by force last night, and after hearing her resisting words, there was a wild beast raging wildly in Qiao Mohan's heart.

It hit his heart hard one after another, as if about to break through the gate and get out.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit.

Even if he only regards this woman as a mistress, as the 'elixir' that can arouse Gu Qiang's hope.

But in name, he also wanted to trap her tightly and keep her by his side.

Unless he doesn't want it, she can't leave.

So, early this morning, he used some tricks to directly apply for these two marriage certificates.

"No... Impossible... When did I marry you..." Su Qing shook her head, her eyes blanked in a daze.

The anger that filled his eyes just now has long been replaced by a confused and dull expression.

【The next chapter before 19:00】

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