Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 2047 It turns out that Mommy, like Mu'er, doesn't like onions

"Wow... It turns out that Mommy, like Mu'er, doesn't like to eat green onions. Hehe... That's great, so my grandparents and great-grandfather won't force me to eat onions, because Mu'er is the same as Mommy! "

Little Mu'er didn't notice the undercurrent among adults at all.

She happily held Su Qing's arm, smiling like a flower on her small face.

She, Qiao Muer, is a picky eater. She doesn't like to eat this kind of food, but everyone in the family doesn't have this habit, and she is always preached or even forced by the elders in the family.

But now, Qingqing's mother is the same as her, they don't eat onions.

Little Mu'er seems to have seen a better life in the future, two to one, she and Qingqing's mother don't eat green onions, so Daddy can't force her!

Thinking of this, Xiao Mu'er was very happy.

No wonder she fell in love with Qingqing's mother as soon as she saw her, and wished to tie her home. It turned out that they were so compatible in every aspect.

Sure enough, Qingqing's mother is the best mother in the world, and the most suitable person to be her Qiao Muer's mother.

Just when Xiao Mu'er was smiling and secretly happy, a cool and icy voice came from behind the sofa.

"Aunt Zhang, how do you know that she doesn't like eating onions... You used to know each other?"

At some point, Qiao Mohan stood up from the sofa, looking at Su Qing with one hand in his pocket and raised eyebrows.

His dark and unpredictable eyes wandered between the old servant Aunt Zhang and Su Qing.

The sharp eyes like a falcon seem to be able to pierce people's hearts.

"No, I don't know..." Aunt Zhang seemed to bow her head respectfully and stand still, but in fact it was to hide the panic in her eyes.

She was annoyed that she had spoken quickly, but she couldn't avoid talking about it when the young master asked her about it.

Aunt Zhang could only say tremblingly: "Young Madam came here before, that is, when we quarreled with Steward Liu, we prepared meals for Young Madam, and we knew about it at that time."

Random reasoning, anyway, Young Master Qiao was not there at that time, and he didn't know whether Su Qing had eaten or not, and whether they had prepared meals.

Sure enough, when Qiao Mohan heard what Aunt Zhang said, he nodded without doubting him.

"Well, Aunt Zhang is still the same as before, very careful."

Aunt Zhang thanked Young Master Qiao for her compliment, she bowed her head and retreated, not daring to look at Su Qing the whole time.

And Qiao Mohan, who had finished talking with Aunt Zhang, raised his deep phoenix eyes and glanced at Su Qing and Qiao Muer: "I have something to go out, Su Qing, you... take care of Muer."

In front of Xiao Mu'er, the atmosphere between Qiao Mohan and Su Qing was no longer as tense as before.

Su Qing also raised her eyes to meet Qiao Mohan's gaze, and nodded 'gently': "Don't worry, I will take good care of Mu'er."

The interaction between the two is friendly and warm, and it seems like a real couple.

Just when Su Qing thought that Qiao Mohan was going to leave like this, she had temporarily completed the task.

The man did not leave immediately.

Instead, Qiao Mohan paced, walking towards her and Xiao Mu'er.

"Mu'er is obedient at home, don't be naughty, you know?" Qiao Mohan walked up to Qiao Muer and rubbed her little head.

Qiao Mohan nodded obediently: "Well, Mu'er will obediently listen to Mommy, Daddy doesn't have to worry about Mu'er. Mu'er will also take good care of Mommy for you..."

Little Mu'er raised her head and put her little face close to it.

He also poked his own pink face with his fleshy little hand—meaning, he had to kiss his father before he could leave.

Qiao Mohan smiled lowly, leaned down and kissed Xiao Mu'er's left and right cheeks.

Just as he was about to stand up, his tie was grabbed by a small hand.

[Write slowly just after get off work, first one update, and the next three updates will be written one after another]

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