When Su Qing took Qiao Muer's hand and came down the stairs.

Mrs. Qiao, Jiang Manyun, was sitting gracefully on the sofa, sipping tea slowly.

Hearing the noise, she raised her eyes and saw that delicate and soft face clearly——

With a "pop", the teacup made of high-grade bone china fell to the ground.

It hit the ground and broke into several pieces.

And the hot tea in the quilt also splashed onto Mrs. Qiao's lap.

"Ah..." Jiang Manyun screamed and stood up to dodge.

The servants around him immediately reacted and rushed up to help.

And because of Jiang Manyun's arrival, Steward Liu, who had returned from a low-level servant to a manager, immediately stepped forward to support Jiang Manyun.

"Ma'am, be careful, hurry up... sit down quickly... ouch, I see... it's all blistered..."

Butler Liu exaggerated, and squatted down without hesitation, blowing the blisters on Mrs. Qiao's calf with her mouth.

"You, all of you—what are you doing there! Hurry up and find a medicine box for Madam!" Liu Butler ordered the other maids to order.

She was recently demoted because she offended Qiao Mohan, and she was frequently ridiculed in private.

Now that the madam is here, her position has been restored, so of course she has to act like a tiger.

"Grandma, you're here... Mu'er misses you so much... How is grandma, does it hurt, Mu'er can you please..."

When Qiao Muer came down the stairs, Su Qing let go of her hand.

She saw that the little guy was worried about Mrs. Qiao, so she didn't stop her, and let her daughter run towards Mrs. Qiao completely.

Although Xiao Mu'er liked Su Qing's mother the most, she also liked grandma, grandpa and great-grandfather.

Although they are always busy and don't know much about what they like, Xiao Mu'er can feel their love for her.

"Hey, our Mu'er is here...don't worry, grandma doesn't hurt, just rub some medicine on this kind of minor injury and it will be fine."

Mrs. Qiao is only in her early fifties now, and because of her meticulous maintenance, her real age cannot be seen at all.

Go out and say that she is only in her thirties, and many people will believe it.

Because she looked young, at first Qiao Muer called her grandma, but she was very resistant.

But later, the little guy was so cute, cute, with flickering eyes, and very cute and arrogant.

Over time, Mrs. Qiao became more and more fond of this granddaughter...

If it wasn't because Qiao Mu'er missed his father this time and came to City A to find Mo Han, they would have been surprised that this child had too few opportunities to get along with his father.

Mrs. Qiao couldn't bear to let her stay in City A for so long.

"It's good that grandma doesn't hurt. If grandma hurts, Mu'er will also hurt here..." Xiao Mu'er touched her heart, her little nose twitching.

Such a lovely granddaughter is so heartwarming.

Mrs. Qiao smiled, but when she caught sight of Su Qing's figure, her eyes flickered in panic.

And she held Qiao Muer's hand even tighter.

"Ma'am, that's the new woman brought home by the young master...that's the person you asked about." Seeing Su Qing approaching, Butler Liu felt that he had resentment and revenge.

She lowered her voice, and whispered in Jiang Manyun's ear, "No family background, he's an unrefined director, he's almost 30 years old and doesn't know how to attract him...and he's very good at deceiving people, he tricked Miss Mu'er around, all towards her..."

Butler Liu wanted to sue.

Before Su Qing could speak, she lowered her impression in front of Madam.

Who made this woman arrogant and sued Qiao Shao in front of Qiao Shao just because Qiao Shao liked it, and caused Qiao Shao to remove her as a housekeeper.

Now that Madam is here, of course Butler Liu must seize the opportunity and beat her up.

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