Tang Xinluo checked the WeChat message sent by Director Zhang several times and rubbed her eyes in disbelief after confirming that she had read it correctly.

Yue Ze, really... Yue Ze?

That beautiful and beautiful Yue Ze? !

The number one male god in the circle, the first actor in China to win all A-level movie awards at home and abroad? !

Tang Xinluo felt that his liver was pounding, and Yue Ze was the number one male god in China who became popular at home and abroad in the past five years.

Even she herself... admired him very much.

Tang Xinluo couldn't help covering her face with her hands, feeling that her face was getting hot.

Oops, what the hell is she thinking!


Tang Xinluo returned to Lanwan Yayuan, and as soon as she got home, Zhang's mother came over to help her carry her bag.

"Young madam, are you tired? Sigh...Look at you, you are full of dust and dust, you are tired enough at first glance. If you want me to say, young madam, you should rest at home while you are pregnant, and it is not impossible for the young master to support you. Since you, why do you have to run around with a child!"

Tang Xinluo sat and took off her shoes, just smiling lightly.

She knew that Ma Zhang cared about her, but she was not the real "Mrs. Lu Shao".

Her "Mrs. Lu Shao" has a time limit. How can she stay at home and do nothing at all?

What's more, she owed Lu Yuchen too much.

She didn't want to owe him anything if it wasn't necessary.

"Young madam, don't think I'm long-winded. You should finish your business quickly during this time. The young master is on a business trip to country M. When he comes back, you should not run away all day. It is better to stay with the young master."

The vixen Gu Xuan'er in the M country was there. Zhang Ma received a call from the young master, and she was very worried when she knew that the young master was going to the M country.

But in front of the young lady, she dared not speak about Gu Xuan'er.

"Yuchen went to country M on a business trip?" Tang Xinluo was stunned, she didn't know that Lu Yuchen went abroad.

"Yes. The young master said that your phone has been busy, so call back and let me tell you."

Tang Xinluo had been on the phone just now, or contacted Director Zhang and others on WeChat, and had no time to read text messages.

When I opened the text message, I saw countless busy reminders from the communication company.

"I'll call him." She subconsciously wanted to call back.

"Young master is on the plane now... Mrs. Young, you just came back, so let's have dinner first. When the young master arrives, I will contact you."

Tang Xinluo nodded when she heard what Zhang Ma said.

Forget it, let's talk about it when Lu Yuchen arrives later.


The private jet is flying smoothly.

On the plane, Lu Yuchen sat lazily on the leather sofa seat.

He should have rested, but at this time, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

I can't sleep, it seems because I'm not used to not having a delicate little woman around me to hug.

It seems to be because of some other thing.

The man was half lying on the sofa chair, his slender fingers pulled out the phone.

Swipe the screen.

Open the phone album.

Enter the password for the encrypted album.

An old photo appeared on the screen.

This is a large group photo with many children.

The children in the photo have a wide age distribution.

Children from one year old to eleven or twelve years old, all gathered together.

In the lower left corner of the photo, there is a seven- or eight-year-old girl who is smiling at the camera with timid eyes open.

Her collar was slightly open, revealing the necklace she was wearing around her heart.

It was a delicate citrine necklace, a citrine with such gloss that was rare in the world.

Lu Yuchen's eyes were fixed on the citrine necklace...

Childhood memories have long been blurred.

But the little angel wearing the citrine necklace will never be blurred in his memory.

Rough fingertips smeared the little girl's tender face.

He stared at the phone screen, frowning slightly.

Gu Xuan'er... What should I do with her?

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