Su Qing's head hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

There was a twitch at the temple, and the whole person was dizzy and couldn't lift up his strength.

She could feel herself being hugged and placed on the big soft bed.

After a while, I could still feel that someone came over, unbuttoned her jacket, took off the clothes inside, and even—

Even her underwear was removed for her.

Su Qing wanted to stop it, she didn't know who that person was, but she couldn't speak, couldn't make a sound, and couldn't open her eyes.

Even if you want to move your fingers, it won't work.

The last memory is all frozen at the moment when she faced Ren Xiyuan with cynicism.

Even if she didn't want to admit it, she knew that the person who put her on the big bed and undressed her was probably Ren Xiyuan.

Ren, Xi, Yuan——


Shameless! ! !

He is not at all the so-called noble son who is as gentle as jade, indifferent and handsome as the outside world thinks.

He is a devil at all, a devil who can do whatever it takes to achieve his goal and ignore other people's feelings!


"Su Qing, Su Qing...Su Qing, wake up Su Qing..."

After an unknown amount of time, Su Qing, who fell into a coma, was shaken vigorously.

She found the voice somewhat familiar.

In her memory, it was the voice of Deng Meizhen, the woman she hated the most.

Yes, that's right, it's Deng Meizhen...

"Su Qing!" Deng Meizhen lowered her voice again and called her.

By the way, he also grabbed her shoulder and shook her vigorously a few times.

This time, either because the effect of the medicine had passed, or because Deng Meizhen shook hard enough, Su Qing's tightly closed eyelids finally trembled slightly.

Then, open—

What caught her eye was Deng Meizhen's annoying face, and behind Deng Meizhen, the surrounding decorations showed that this was a magnificent hotel suite.

Su Qing woke up, and the first thing she did after waking up was to push Deng Meizhen away, and immediately wanted to pull her collar back.

She still remembers the feeling of being stripped off one by one by that person after taking the medicine.

As soon as she remembered that that man Ren Xiyuan had touched her, even if he just took off her clothes and did nothing, she would feel so sick that she wanted to vomit.

But Su Qing just touched the neckline with her hands, but it was empty.

Because there is no fabric between her neck.

Instead, it is empty, exposed to the air——

She looked down, only to realize that at some point, she had already put on a white wedding dress.

Su Qing subconsciously touched her head.

The waterfall-like long hair that she picked up specially has already been made into a delicate bun and is gently pulled behind her head.

" do you want to do!" Su Qing's complexion suddenly changed, she raised her almond eyes, and looked at Deng Meizhen vigilantly.

There were only her and Deng Meizhen in this suite. She was sitting on the sofa, with the big hotel bed behind her.

Su Qing's head hurts, and the pain is tight.

But after she was in a trance, she remembered what Ren Xiyuan said before she fell into a coma.

She was wearing a wedding dress, and she remembered what Ren Xiyuan said, "As long as the rice is raw and cooked", she remembered that man taking off his clothes, even his underwear...

Su Qing's eyes dimmed, and dull pain flashed across her face instantly.

But at this moment, Deng Meizhen's voice interrupted Su Qing's thoughts.

"Su Qing, finally woke up..."

Su Qing raised her eyes, and a haze flashed in her eyes: "Hmph, don't cry like a cat and pretend to be merciful here. You and Ren Xiyuan are the same, you..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted abruptly by Deng Meizhen.

"Stop talking about this, hurry up, take off your wedding dress quickly... If it's too late, it's too late!"

[The update is complete, see you at 6 o'clock tomorrow night~]

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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