Su Qing was suspicious, so Deng Meizhen immediately added: "Now the front and rear doors of the hotel are all guarded by the bodyguards of the Ren family, even the elevators and stairs on the first floor are all their people. Check the time yourself, the wedding banquet is at eight o'clock Just start, there are still two hours..."

Seeing that there was nothing on Su Qing, Deng Meizhen quickly showed her the surface on her wrist.

Sure enough, it's more than five fifty, almost six o'clock.

In nearly two hours, the wedding banquet will begin.

"I came up from the staff passage just now, but Ren's family blocked all the exits on the first floor. If you take you out at the risk, they might be alarmed. Instead of doing this, you might as well hide in a guest room first .”

"Anyway, our hotel has so many rooms, as long as the security department deletes all the footage of you captured by the surveillance. Even if they find you missing and want to find them, they will never expect that you are still hiding in the hotel."

The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place.

Su Qing hesitated for a moment, but she had to admit that Deng Meizhen's method was the best.

Since I can't go out for the time being, of course I can only stay in the hotel.

Soho Hotel is a five-star hotel with more than 300 rooms.

She hid in one of them casually, even if the Ren family searched for them one by one, it would take a lot of time.

Not to mention, there are other guests among them.

To find her out is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

Time waits for no one, Su Qing didn't talk nonsense with Deng Meizhen, put the wedding dress on the bed, and followed Deng Meizhen out.

The two of them were careful all the way, and bumped into several hotel employees on the way, and they all greeted Deng Meizhen in a polite manner.

In the elevator again, I ran into a bodyguard of the Ren family.

But because of Su Qing's gentle long black hair, wearing a long pink dress, her little face without makeup, she lowered her head shyly.

The bodyguard just glanced at it, thinking it was the second young lady of the Su family, so he turned his gaze away indifferently.

a moment later...

Room 3109, 31st floor, Soho Hotel.

"Remember, you have to stay at least until tomorrow morning before you can come out. The Ren family doesn't know when they will find out that the bride is missing. If they find out after Jiaojiao enters the banquet hall, they are lucky. If they find out before the wedding , Ren Shao will definitely let people search the whole city. At that time, it is hard to say whether this will be found, must not leave this room."

Seeing Su Qing glance at the landline beside her, Deng Meizhen hurriedly stopped——

"You can't even make phone calls... If Ren Xiyuan is smart and guesses that you are still staying in the hotel, he will definitely check the call records during this period. Remember, you must not be caught by Ren's family. When the time comes, you will be unlucky." It's not just you, even our Su family will be unlucky!"

Deng Meizhen warned Su Qing for the last time, telling her to lock the door.

Then prepare to leave.

However, at this moment, Su Qing suddenly grabbed her wrist.

"You...what are you doing?" Deng Meizhen was startled, her tongue almost tied.

"Wait a minute, there is something I want to ask you." I didn't want to ask, but that matter was like a big stone, which kept pressing on Su Qing's heart, making her uneasy.

Even following Deng Meizhen all the way down, she was never at ease.

A panic flashed in Deng Meizhen's eyes: "What... do you want to ask?"

Did this girl guess her purpose? !

Su Qing raised her eyes and glanced at Deng Meizhen, pursed her lips slightly, and finally said: "I...who changed my wedding dress for me? Who took off my...isn't it, Ren Xiyuan? ?”

She had wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

If it weren't for the fear of hearing the answer, it wouldn't be delayed until now.

When Deng Meizhen heard this, her heart instantly relaxed.

She hooked her lips and smiled: "So that's what you wanted to ask... Yes, Ren Xiyuan took off your clothes..."

[The update is complete, see you at 6 o'clock tomorrow night~]

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