Mrs. Ren lowered her face impatiently: "When you turn City A upside down and find out that woman Su Qing, the face of our Ren family has already been thrown on the ground and trampled on. At that time, don't say you If Su Qing is overwhelmed, even if she is sent to the Ren family to work as an ox or a horse, she will not be able to compensate for the loss of our Ren family..."

"This...then what should I do..." Su Zheng frowned, pretending to be anxious.

He rubbed his hands anxiously, frowned, and paced back and forth.

Suddenly, Su Zheng's frowning brows loosened, as if thinking of something, his eyes lit up——

"That's right, that's right, I remembered that the invitation sent out this time was to avoid Young Master Qiao's eyes and ears, so the names of the two newcomers were not written."

On the invitation card, in the column of the names of the two newcomers, it says Mr. Ren and Miss Su.

"Miss of the Su family, Miss of the Su family...Since it is Miss Su's family, there is another daughter in our family, who is much gentler and more understanding than Su Qing's wild child. Take a look at my mother-in-law, or let my family The younger daughter will go up first, at least to get over today's difficult situation, no matter what you say, you can't embarrass the Ren family..."

Mrs. Ren was slightly moved by Su Zheng's words.

Especially the sentence, "No matter what you say, you can't disgrace the Ren family", it really hit Mrs. Ren's heart.

She only hesitated for a moment, then hesitated and said: "You... quickly let your little daughter come over and let me have a look. It's too late now, if it's really a good one, then let her replace Su Qing with us Let Jia Xiyuan get married."

Anyway, as long as the son gets married, the old man will give him the inheritance rights.

There are also family feuds within the Ren family, which are equally complicated.

In order for her son to inherit the great business as soon as possible, Mrs. Ren would never miss this time, Ren Xiyuan finally agreed to the opportunity of marriage.

After a while, Su Jiaojiao was brought over by Deng Meizhen.

When Mrs. Ren saw it, she really was a gentle, graceful, soft and pleasant smiling beauty.

The most important thing is that she has a very gentle temper. She was raised in the greenhouse by the Su family, and she is as docile and easy to handle as a canary.

It is better to marry such a daughter-in-law than a rebellious woman like Su Qing.

"Not bad, Su Zheng, I didn't say... your youngest daughter is much better than your eldest daughter. That's all right, let's send her to the dressing room to get dressed. Xiyuan and his father are entertaining guests in front. Hurry up, the wedding banquet will start soon, there is not much time..."

Mrs. Ren took care of everything behind the scenes and hurried to the front.

Wait for Mrs. Ren to leave.

Su Jiaojiao said to her parents with a puzzled look: "Dad, Mom, that Young Master Ren is my brother-in-law, how can I marry my brother-in-law? I...I don't want to marry, I don't want to..."

"Silly girl, what brother-in-law? He and Su Qing are not married, so he can't be considered your brother-in-law." Seeing Su Jiaojiao retreating, Su Zheng couldn't help but not brainwash her.

"Just remember, if you don't marry, our Su family will be finished. Jiaojiao, you just saw how powerful the Ren family is, and our Su family can't afford to offend it. Now that your sister has escaped marriage, if you don't marry, then I...then I can only jump off the building with your mother..."

"Father, you...don't say such things. The Su family will be fine, and you and your mother will be fine... I, I'll just marry. I'll change my dress right now, you guys...don't worry... ..."

Su Jiaojiao looks weak, but she is also Su Qing's sister after all.

Although she is still a pampered daughter in her bones, she actually has her own stubbornness.

Her stubbornness is her family.

It is different from Su Qing who has seen the facts clearly since she was a child and knows the cruelty of reality.

Su Jiaojiao was spoiled and pampered since she was a child.

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