(Mao flutter in Chinese) Saidi's reminder interrupted Yue Xinluo's thoughts, she turned her head, and her slightly raised peach eyes happened to see a man with a cold face who had rushed over after a long journey.

"Long time no see, Young Master Qiao..."

Xin Luo approached, pursed her lips, and smiled with peach blossom eyes.

He looked at the man in front of him, with broad shoulders, narrow waist, straight back, and a well-tailored suit wrapped his strong and slender body.

Those slightly slanted red phoenix eyes, evil and coquettish, just one glance is enough to make a woman indulge in it and go crazy for him.

When Qiao Mohan's tall and straight figure appeared at the entrance of the banquet hall.

The guests in the banquet hall were almost uncontrollable, and all their eyes were cast on him.

"Young Master Qiao is here? Why did Young Master Qiao come?"

"Didn't you listen to what Miss Ren said just now? She is Young Master Qiao's fiancée. Of course Young Master Qiao will come. Looking at Young Master Qiao's appearance, she must have just gotten off the plane...he rushed over right after getting off the plane, which shows that she is very kind to Ren. Home is extremely important.”

That's how most people see it.

In an instant, he was even more respectful to the Ren family.

Even if the Ren family is a wealthy family on the rise, if they successfully marry the Qiao family, they will be able to reach a higher level from now on, and the future prospects will be limitless.

Only a small number of people thought that the Su family seemed to have another daughter.

It was this time that the scandal broke out, and it was said that it was Su Qing who had been secretly married to Qiao Shao long ago.

Today is the Su family marrying their daughter, and it is also the Ren family marrying their daughter-in-law.

As long as you know whether Qiao Shao's sudden arrival is for the Su family or the Ren family.

It can be seen who Qiao Shao chose between the hidden daughter of the Su family and the eldest lady of the Ren family.

"Sister-in-law." When Qiao Mohan saw Yue Xinluo and her beautiful face, although her face was still dull, she still called out.

Lu Yuchen is his good brother, and Qiao Mohan has long regarded Yue Xinluo as one of his own.

Xin Luo nodded slightly, and smiled, "Unfortunately, Young Master Qiao came late, the wedding has already been completed... Now, the couple is toasting, you..."

Before the words finished, Xinluo felt a cool breeze blowing past her ears.

I saw Qiao Mohan with gloomy eyes and a handsome face, passing Xinluo and walking quickly into the banquet hall.

"Heh...and said he didn't care..." Yue Xinluo, who was leaning against the gate of the banquet hall and watching Qiao Mohan's back from afar, smiled lowly.

But when he saw Ren Xiyuan holding a woman in white gauze, he couldn't wait to go in.

He didn't even ask what happened.

This is not at all like Qiao Mohan who is thoughtful, decisive but never procrastinating.

On the other side, when Qiao Mohan approached at an extremely fast speed under the amazed eyes of everyone, he grabbed the bride's left hand.

Everyone couldn't help exclaiming——

"Ah, Young Master Qiao, what are you doing here..."

"Such fierce eyes, this is here to smash the field..."

"It looks like something is going to happen!"

When everyone was exclaiming, Qiao Mohan grabbed the woman's hand, and after seeing the face of 'Su Qing' clearly, her evil Danfeng eyes shrank for a moment.

"You're not Su Qing..." Qiao Mohan had never seen the woman in front of him.

I just feel that those almond eyes are somewhat similar to Su Qing.

"You know my sister?" Su Jiaojiao didn't know the handsome man in front of her with an evil expression at all.

"You are Su Jiaojiao." Hearing the woman's words, Qiao Mohan instantly knew her identity.

[Next chapter before 21:30] Mop Chinese

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