Later, Jiang Manyun finally understood that their marriage was just a commercial marriage, a so-called family marriage.

I understand that Master Qiao has many women outside, and he will give his feelings and time to those women.

But she, Jiang Manyun, couldn't get these.

What she can get is absolute dignity, the status of Mrs. Qiao, and the power that the daughter-in-law of the Qiao family should have.

After that, she never made trouble again.

She completely gave up, flew around by herself, played everywhere, and met Qiao Mohan's father every month.

During the non-safe period, completing intercourse is like completing a task.

I will never pester him like in the past, want to blend into his life, want to be with him every day.

"Hmph, when she made a fuss, she just wanted to wait for me to coax her." Qiao Mohan's expression was cold, and in his deep phoenix eyes, there was a depth that others could not guess.

"I can tolerate other nonsense behaviors from her, but divorce... such a joke has already touched my bottom line. If I compromise, it will only make her go further."

"If Su Qing thinks that divorce is a threat to me, she's totally wrong."

Qiao Mohan finished speaking with a gloomy expression, took the pen from He Zhang's hand, and took off the cap.

When the divorce petition is placed on the table, it must be signed.

[Comprehensive] Noah of the young master's house

"No, no, Mo can't sign..." Jiang Manyun, who was immersed in memories, suddenly yelled out at this moment.

She didn't react immediately just now, but now, when she remembered what happened when she was young, she suddenly understood why Su Qing did this.

"She's not messing around with you, she's heartbroken, she wants to break up with you, you can't sign..."

Jiang Manyun is also a woman after all.

Just now, she seemed to see her former self in Su Qing.

She suddenly understood Su Qing's feelings.

It is only a woman who loves a man to make a fuss, but no matter how hard she goes, even if she uses self-harm to attract the other party's attention, it is absolutely impossible to send a divorce application directly.

There is only one reason why women can really do this.

That's heartbreaking...

Divorce and breaking up verbally are not heartbreak.

But the divorce application was sent directly, it must have been overly injured, too tired, and wanted to give up.

When a woman gives up on a man, that is the scariest...

Because that means, she will never love this man again...

"Is your heart dead?" Qiao Mohan paused slightly.

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But then it seemed as if he thought of something.

The deepness between the eyebrows dissipated, and turned into a monstrous mockery.

"Mom, that dead woman you mentioned was lying under me a few hours ago, begging me to love her. If she really loved me, she wouldn't have wrapped your son on the bed for a whole day and night .”

"Su Qing can't leave me. She has already fallen in love with me...This agreement, even if I sign it and send it back, believe it or won't take effect in the end."

This is Qiao Mohan's determination.

Although Su Qing seemed to be seeking more.

She was a woman who took the initiative to climb the bed, seduce him, wanted to sit on the throne of Mrs. Qiao, and was good at refusal.

But it was undeniable that this woman loved him so deeply and obsessively that she didn't even know it.

Su Qing always seemed to think that she was covering up well.

But who is Qiao Mohan? It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a king who has experienced many battles in the field of love.

What kind of woman is hypocritical and what kind of woman is really in love with him, you only need to look at each other to know clearly.

What's more, on the bed, whenever he sprints fiercely and occupies her.

Her misty apricot eyes, stained with a large amount of crimson, will always stick tightly to his face.

【The next chapter before 18:30】

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