Tang Xinluo never thought of it.

The male god who is so beautiful and beautiful is actually such an unreasonable person.

But she had no choice but to grit her teeth and agree to Yue Ze's conditions for the drama "The Loved Concubine".

The next day, Tang Xinluo Yi asked to come over and cook noodles for him.

Koshizawa sat there casually.

The slender fingers picked up the chopsticks, picked up a vegetable, and brought it to his eyes.

He raised his head slightly, squinted his eyes, and examined the vegetable.

The line of the jaw was smooth and sexy, and the Adam's apple moved, looking like a cool and handsome man who came out of an advertisement.

"What kind of dish is this...so ugly."

Tang Xinluo: "..."


How can anyone describe spinach like that.

Yue Ze didn't speak, he brought the spinach up to his nose, smelled it, and took a bite after making sure there was no peculiar smell.

Hmm...it's better than expected.

He rarely had the opportunity to eat potluck, and this was the first time in his life that he had this vegetable.

Tang Xinluo was a little speechless. When she came over, she brought some side dishes for cooking noodles.

There are very few things in Yue Ze's refrigerator, and there are only a few vegetables left from the vegetables that were used last time.

"Delicious." Yue Ze sighed after eating the last noodle.

He brushed away the fine silver hair at will, showing a satisfied smile.

I don't know if it was my illusion, but when I saw his smile, Tang Xinluo felt warm and easy in a trance.

This is fundamentally different from the gloomy and irritable man who opened the door for her at the beginning.


After guarding the big male god and eating noodles, Tang Xinluo was ready to leave.

"Wait." Seeing her pick up the bag, Yue Ze suddenly stopped her.

"Come with me to the study."

Yue Ze ignored her, stood up and went to the study.

Tang Xinluo hesitated for a moment, and could only pick up her bag and follow him.

"This is the condition for inviting me to participate in your company's TV series, take it." Yue Ze leaned against the desk and handed her a document that had been prepared on the desk.

"If you agree, bring the contract with you when you come over tomorrow. These conditions are written in the contract."

Tang Xinluo did not expect Yue Ze to be so easy to talk to.

She thought that he would let go and negotiate a contract with her at least after she had cooked the noodles for ten days.

Thinking that the progress could be accelerated and the company's mess could be settled sooner, the worry in Tang Xinluo's heart finally eased a little.

As a result, after taking a look at the contract that Yue Ze handed over, she almost vomited blood with anger.

"Non-strength actors don't cooperate? Non-top teams don't cooperate? Non-spiritual directors don't cooperate? Yue Ze...This is a TV series with limited investment, not a movie...Aren't your demands too much!!!"

Yue Ze pursed his lips and looked at her, with a lazy voice, "This is the minimum requirement for me to take on the role. As long as you can do these things, I won't care about the salary with you."

Tang Xinluo did not expect Yue Ze to say that.

Tang's funds were tight. She originally thought that according to Yue Ze's worth, a movie would cost at least 50 million yuan.

Thinking about it, the conditions offered by Yue Ze are actually generous enough.

The salary is not high, and only the co-stars and crew are required. This is actually a very conscientious proposal.

Whether a drama is good or not is not determined by one or two big names, but by the strength of the entire crew.

Tang Yuanyuan's team all dispersed and ran away.

In addition, Wan Weiwei brought a group of actors to make trouble, and she needed powerful actors, a top-level team, and a spiritual director... Wait, a spiritual director! ?

Yue Ze seemed to see her concerns, and said coolly: "I heard from director Zhang that he sent his apprentice here. I have no objection to director Zhang's vision, so you only need to settle the matter of the actors and the team. sign a contract with me."

Tang Xinluo thought about it, and it seemed that she could only ask that person for help.

"Okay, give me two days, and I will satisfy you."

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