Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 219 There is another woman on the other end of the phone

After not seeing Tang Xinluo in just three days, Lu Yuchen's mood had already hit rock bottom.

He has never been a talkative person, and in the past two days he has been so cold and silent that people dare not approach him.

Everyone thought that he was too worried about Gu Xuan'er to do this.

After all, Gu Xuan'er had been sleeping in the ICU ward for a long time after the operation.

When she wakes up depends on her own destiny.

But in fact, the real reason why Lu Yuchen became so cold had nothing to do with Gu Xuan'er.

There is no little woman's delicate body to cuddle with every night.

Every morning when I wake up, there is no little woman sleeping peacefully in my arms.

Can't kiss her beautiful peach eyes, can't kiss her delicate little nose, can't kiss her crystal clear cherry lips... almost tormenting him crazy.

Lu Yuchen never thought that one day he would care so much about a woman.

Before he himself realized what this meant, he dialed the phone involuntarily.

"When I'm not in Huaguo, you'd better behave yourself. Xinluo...I don't want to punish you for some trivial things."

The more I can't see her, the more I want to see her... I wish I could tie her by my side.

Tang Xinluo didn't understand why Lu Yuchen seemed to be a different person all of a sudden.

More domineering than in the past, even a little overwhelming.

But she didn't intend to confront him head-on. Countless lessons had taught her that if she offended this man, she would definitely suffer in the end.

"Well, don't worry... I know what to do."

Tang Xinluo's obedient attitude finally satisfied Lu Yuchen.

He wanted to say something else when the door of the observation room outside the ICU ward was suddenly pushed open.

"Yuchen, I brought you some soup... You've worked hard these few days..." A soft and gentle female voice came from the other end of the phone.

Tang Xinluo was stunned for a moment, obviously hearing the voice over there.

A gleam of anger flashed in Lu Yuchen's eyes, and his cold gaze swept towards Shen Wan who pushed the door open.

"I still have something to do here, so hang up first. Remember what you promised, don't worry me." After finishing speaking, the man hung up the phone.

Not even an explanation was left.

It wasn't until the blind tone came from the receiver that Tang Xinluo recovered from the shock just now.

The woman who brought soup to Lu Yuchen?

There are other women beside him?


After a sleepless night, Tang Xinluo didn't understand why she suffered from insomnia.

Obviously, you shouldn't have too much affection... Even if you secretly like that person, so what, she should have understood it long ago, right?

That man didn't belong to her in the first place, and he wasn't the one she should be attracted to.

He never promised anything, he didn't even have to explain it to himself.

You already understood it a long time ago, so why are you foolishly stuck in it, foolishly feeling sad for him?

"Young madam, you don't look very well. Are you too tired recently? If you are too tired, just ignore the outside affairs."

When Zhang Ma brought her breakfast, she asked very considerately.

"It's okay, I just had a nightmare last night and didn't have a good rest. I'll take a nap at the company when I have time at noon." Tang Xinluo worked hard to cope.

"By the way, Mama Zhang, do you know about the Qiao family? Are the Qiao family and the Lu family on good terms?"

"This...isn't very good. They're all in the same circle and they all know each other. Master Qiao has a good relationship with our young master, but the rest of the Qiao family are just average."

Afraid of Tang Xinluo's wild thoughts, Zhang Ma didn't dare to tell her that not only the young master, but also the Lu family and the Qiao family were old acquaintances.

Tang Xinluo originally wanted to ask if there was any contact information for the Qiao family in the Lu family.

Hearing Mama Zhang say this, she gave up her thoughts.

It seems that in this matter, I still have to rely on myself.

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