During the struggle, she could only touch the mobile phone on the bedside table.

However, there were bursts of throbbing pains, and the mobile phone, which was clearly close at hand, became far away.

Just when Su Qing bit her lower lip and was about to push herself up, she touched the head of the bed

"Ding dong ding dong ding dong..."

The hurried doorbell rang suddenly.

In such a quiet and lonely night, the hasty ringing of the doorbell seemed to be a life-saving straw, making Su Qing's high-hanging heart finally fall to the ground.

somebody is coming……

No matter who it is, knocking on the door at this time will definitely be able to help.

And Qiao Muer, who was sleeping beside her, was awakened by the ringing of the bell.


Qiao Muer rubbed her sleepy eyes and sat up from the bed. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Su Qing lying on the bed panting heavily, her face pale and dripping with cold sweat.


"Baby... Go and open the door... Mommy... Mommy is about to give birth..." Su Qing tried to squeeze out the last sentence, as if all her strength had been drained.

When she finished saying this, her consciousness gradually became blurred, and her eyelids finally couldn't hold back under the bursts of pain.

Close little by little.

In the end, she only heard Qiao Mu'er jumping off the bed in a panic and running to the door to call for someone's footsteps.

And...a little hallucination.

She seemed to hear Qiao Mohan's voice.

Su Qing, who was in a coma, suddenly frowned, don't, don't take her child away.

don't want……


When Su Qing opened her eyes again, she was already lying in a clean and comfortable ward.

Beside her, sat her next-door neighbor Judy, and Xiao Muer was on the small sofa next to Judy.

He was hugging a doll bear, sleeping soundly.

"Zhu...Di..." Su Qing tried to speak softly.

"Ah, sunny, you're awake... that's great. Congratulations, you gave birth to a cute boy..." The neighbor Judy is an aunt in her forties.

Seeing Su Qing wake up, Judy smiled heartily and enthusiastically.

"Boy..." Su Qing was slightly taken aback. It turned out that the baby had already been born when she fell asleep.

Su Qing's first reaction was to touch her stomach.

The belly that was originally high and swollen has been flattened.

Knowing that the baby was born, Su Qing's first reaction was not to be happy, but to grab Judy's wrist nervously: "Judy, my baby... where is my baby?"

Even if there is no memory, the fear of being taken away by Qiao's family after giving birth to Qiao Mu'er has long been deeply rooted.

Su Qing didn't know if she was hallucinating.

But before she fell into a coma, she seemed to really hear Qiao Mohan's voice... Could it be that Qiao Mohan didn't intend to let her go at all?

He has been watching in the dark.

He had been waiting for her to give birth to this child.

Then, just like before, cruelly depriving her of her baby, taking her own flesh and blood away from her side abruptly? !

Su Qing panicked, subconsciously clenched Judy's hand tightly.

Judy saw her flustered, and thinking of what the gentleman said, she quickly comforted her: "It's okay, it's okay, your baby is fine in the baby room, you can ask the nurse to bring him over to show you when you wake up."

"Really?" There was tension hidden in Su Qing's watery almond eyes.

Although Judy said so, she was still worried.

Without seeing her baby, my heart is always uneasy.

"Sunny, it's been a day since the baby was born. The doctor said that your due date is early, which may be related to your early fetal position instability. Your amniotic fluid is a bit low. They are afraid of affecting the baby, so they are paying close attention to him. Wait a moment In a moment, I will call a doctor for you, and let him tell you the specific situation."

I wrote much earlier after get off work today, the next chapter before 18:50

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