The little duck was obviously shaken in front of Little Allen, but he didn't respond.

But when the old nanny rang the duck, little Allen could giggle.

Just like usual, when he 'sees' his favorite duckling, he shows a cute soft smile.

It doesn't look any different.

However, upon discovering Little Alan's reaction, Su Qing's face sank little by little.

In the end, there was a hint of paleness.

"Miss Su, Alan is like this...Isn't it, isn't it?"

"No, it won't be like that..." Without even thinking about it, Su Qing interrupted the old lady.

She didn't believe it, she didn't believe that little Allen would be like that.

He looks so cute, so beautiful, he has only been born for more than two months, and he still has many beautiful worlds that he has not seen, how could he be... blind.

The word 'blind' flashed out of Su Qing's mind almost without warning.

She didn't know why she thought of this word, but it just popped up, suddenly, without any preparation.

When Su Qing came to her senses, her eyes were already filled with a layer of watery light, and even - her breathing was messed up.

Su Qing covered her lips with her hand, watching the baby's reaction in the crib, she felt her heart was being hollowed out, and the left atrium was cold piece by piece.

The woman took a deep breath and knew she couldn't do this.

She spat out a sentence with all her strength: "I'll take Alan to the hospital, please help me take care of Mu'er."

Su Qing knew that she was a single mother and the only pillar of the family.

Regardless of any accidents, she must be strong, and she cannot be chaotic or fall.

As calm as Su Qing, she immediately picked up her mood and packed her ready-to-go bag on her back.

He carefully carried Allen out of the crib again.

You need to make an appointment to see a doctor abroad. Fortunately, Dr. Susan in the town is not only good at medicine, but also a nice person.

I met Su Qing a long time ago, and felt that Su Qing was kind, so I exchanged WeChat messages with her, and told Su Qing that you must not be polite and ask her for help directly.

Usually, if it's her own business, Su Qing is too embarrassed to disturb Dr. Susan.

But now the matter is of great importance, and it is also related to Little Allen. She immediately contacted Dr. Susan on WeChat to inform the situation.

Susan was the obstetrician and she delivered Ellen.

For Allen, Susan has always given extraordinary care.

She said that it was because she liked Alan and had a predestined relationship with Alan.

As soon as she heard that Allen might have problems with her eyesight, Susan replied immediately\u003e

When Su Qing rushed to the hospital with little Alan, she was almost taken aback by the posture in the hospital lobby.

I saw the entire hospital, from the dean to the experts and professors, to the chief surgeon, and even the most experienced head nurses in each department were present.

Dr. Susan and them were waiting neatly at the gate of the hospital just to wait for Su Qing to come over.

"This is..." Seeing this battle, Su Qing couldn't help showing surprise.

Susan: "I told my colleagues about Little Alan, and they were all willing to help. You know, there are few oriental people in our town, and suddenly there is such a cute little oriental boy. Everyone hopes to do their best. A little effort. Our dean also knew about this matter, and he immediately organized experts to come over and consult with little Alan."

In fact, the hospital is so busy, even if everyone really likes the beautiful and delicate little Allen, they may not be able to spare time.

There is only one reason that really drives these people to put down what they are doing and gather here.

That is this hospital, and now the real behind-the-scenes big boss has ordered that everyone must do their best to treat Little Allen.

Recommend the new book of the urban master Lao Shi:

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