Although the dean has repeatedly assured that even if little Alan is in danger of blindness, the condition is actually controllable and very hopeful.

But Su Qing's heart is still in fear.

When she got home, she checked the information on the Internet immediately, wanting to know if there was any other way to treat the corneal hypoplasia.

This is the same as all the family members of patients. Although the doctor has repeatedly told them that there is no problem, but out of concern and nervousness for their relatives, they still can't help but seek medical advice everywhere.

After Su Qing checked various information on the Internet, her heart suddenly became cold.

If Little Allen's condition is stable and he can be treated, maybe it's okay.

But if the condition of Little Alan's cornea continues to deteriorate, she...she can't even donate her cornea to Little Alan.

Because, according to medical ethics and the laws of various countries, all organ donations are not allowed to be sexually donated.

Not only that, even if it is a posthumous donation, the donor cannot be designated.

Donors are also kept confidential.

It can be said that both donors are double-blind.

This is done to avoid organ trading and is in line with human ethics.

Therefore, even if Su Qing is willing to donate her cornea to Allen, the hospital will not perform surgery on her.

If Allen is really blind, he has to wait in line.

Waiting for a day when a kind person will sign an organ donation agreement before he dies.

Then, after his death, the cornea was offered.

One cornea can be used by several people at the same time. If you are lucky, maybe... after a few years or ten years, you will be able to arrange it for Allen.


When Su Qing read all the knowledge about organ donation on the computer screen, she had fallen into a deep confusion.

She never thought that things would turn out like this.

It turned out that getting a donated organ was ten or a hundred times more difficult than she had imagined.

Even direct donations from relatives are not allowed.

There was never a moment when she hated Qiao Mohan like she did now.

Deep hatred, hate to the bone marrow.

She remembered that when she was pregnant with little Allen, Qiao Mohan forced her to do that kind of thing and make blood.

She remembered that when she was almost three months pregnant, she inhaled unknown drugs.

All of that was brought by Qiao Mohan.

His domineering possession hurt not only her, but also... her baby.

At this moment, Su Qing even grabbed the phone and pulled out the phone that had been blacklisted for nearly half a year.

She couldn't help but wanted to call and ask Qiao Mohan.

Is he willing to do this, and happy like this?

He killed her, and even Alan, why did he refuse to let their mother and child go when they separated!

The piercing pain twisted Su Qing's heart one after another.

Until a soft, glutinous voice came from outside the door: "Mum... Where did my brother go? I just woke up and went to play with my brother, but he disappeared."

Little Mu'er's soft and sweet voice sounded softly.

In an instant, Su Qing was pulled up from the edge of the cliff that was about to collapse.

Su Qing's reason came back in an instant.

She woke up from the great hatred, turned her head, and subconsciously looked at Mu'er with her almond eyes full of tears.

"" Xiao Mu'er's sweet almond eyes sparkled.

"Mommy don't cry, Mu'er will give you a whir."

Xiaofentuanzi ran over and hugged Su Qing.

In the past six months, Xiao Mu'er has grown a little taller. She hugged Su Qing's thigh and rubbed her soft head against her stomach.

"Mommy doesn't cry, Mommy doesn't cry, Mu'er will be obedient, obediently love Mommy, obediently help Mommy take good care of younger brother... Mommy don't cry..."

The daughter's soft voice hit Su Qing's ears one after another.

Even if it bears a heavy burden.

Even if my heart is almost crushed

At this moment, Su Qing also knew clearly that she could not fall down.

She can't fall yet.

Besides Alan, she also has Mu'er to take care of

The next chapter will be updated after 23:30 in the evening, watch it later

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