"Mr. Qiao, we are all on your side this time."

"Yes, Qiao's cannot be handed over to a blind man. Young Master Qiao is blind and has no ability to manage the company at all. Mr. Qiao, you have been managing the affairs of Qiao's foreign branches all the time, and you are the only one of Mr. Qiao's. Heir, we believe in you."

"Yes, Mr. Qiao, we are all on your side!"

On Qiao's board of directors, all shareholders unanimously decided to elect Qiao Xingzhi to take over the chairmanship from Mr. Qiao.

Now, Qiao Mohan's cronies who belonged to Qiao Mohan were all kicked out.

Many people who followed the wind, as well as high-ranking officials and shareholders who had received Qiao Xingzhi's benefits, stood by Qiao Xingzhi's side.

Qiao Xingzhi felt a little unbelievable when he didn't expect to persuade the people on the board of directors so easily.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Qiao's can be taken down, even if Mr. Qiao wakes up, he will have no scruples.

Qiao Xingzhi acted very quickly, and announced in public at the press conference that he and Qiao Mohan had severed their father-son relationship.

The press conference was published the next day.

He also went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the divorce certificate between him and Jiang Manyun.

At this time, he had already demoted Jiang Manyun to nothing, even if he still felt a little bit reluctant, Qiao Xingzhi could no longer have anything to do with Jiang Manyun.

When Qiao Xingzhi was going through the divorce procedures at the Civil Affairs Bureau, the media caught wind of it.

He immediately told the media that even if he divorced Jiang Manyun, he would still give Jiang Manyun 5 million alimony every year.

Not only that, he will take care of the Jiang family's family in the future.

Mr. Jiang, the elder brother and younger brother of the Jiang family will always be his relatives.

For a while, the outside world was moved by Qiao Xingzhi's actions.

They all said that people like him are truly affectionate and righteous.

After knowing that Qiao Xingzhi will replace Mr. Qiao as the chairman of the Qiao Group, they all expressed their congratulations.

Qiao Xingzhi seemed to be living in the clouds these days, giving orders in front of those shareholders who had been immobile during the day, and returning to Qiao's old house at night to make troubles with Jiang Xueer.

Enjoy Jiang Xueer's young and beautiful body and her attentive service.

Such a proud life made him forget Qiao Mohan, a useless person.

until the following Monday.

On the first day of the working day, just as the stock market opened, Qiao Group suddenly bought down Jiang's stocks across the board.

Everyone knew that Qiao and Jiang were related by marriage. Even if Qiao Xingzhi and Jiang Manyun divorced, Qiao Xingzhi also said that he would always protect Jiang.

But now Qiao's is buying Jiang's stock on a large scale, which is completely bearish on Jiang's rise.

Qiao's has always been Jiang's umbrella and Jiang's backer.

Being put down by his own umbrella and backer is definitely a big bad news for Jiang.

Therefore, from the opening of the market to the closing in the morning, Jiang's stock price plummeted from more than 20 yuan all the way down to 9 yuan and 3 cents.

9 yuan, 3 cents and 2 cents, a drop of more than 50%!

When Mr. Jiang saw this number, he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

Jiang Yongcheng couldn't find Qiao Xingzhi all morning, and Qiao Xingzhi didn't get a call until the market closed at noon.

"Hey, Qiao Xing knows what you Qiao's are doing? You..."

"Uncle, I'm not Xingzhi, I'm Xueer..." Jiang Xueer's charming voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xingzhi took medicine last night and played too much with me. He still hasn't woken up yet. Uncle, if you have anything to say, just tell me, and I will tell Xingzhi for you."

Women don't know that disaster is coming.

She was still nestling on Qiao Xingzhi's sleeping body, poking Qiao Xingzhi's tight and firm chest muscles with her delicately manicured hands.

[The update is complete, see you at 6 o'clock tomorrow night]

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