"Let me go... This is the necklace my brother bought for me... Give me back the necklace!" Lu Zhiyi twisted her body vigorously, but was suppressed even harder by the police officer behind her.

"Be honest, everyone has stolen goods, you still dare to quibble!"

The police officer holding the necklace yelled at Lu Zhiyi, scaring the ladies and ladies who were watching around to back away.

It's not that I haven't seen the police before, but I've never seen a policeman with such a strong attitude.

In fact, if it was normal, these police officers might be afraid of Lu Zhiyi when they heard the name of the Lu family.

But this time the action was different from usual.

Ever since Tang Xinluo went back to Lu Qinghao's house to pick up things, she took Lawyer Fan to the police station.

She took back a fake citrine necklace from Lu Qinghao, and has been trying to get the real one back.

Knowing that Gong Xuemei and Lu Zhiyi still have a lot of things withheld from her, and knowing that the greed of these two mothers and daughters, they will definitely not be able to help showing off those things from her.

Therefore, Tang Xinluo went to the police station with precautions, and asked Lawyer Fan to come forward and file all the valuables for her.

Including the citrine necklace, among them.

Because the amount of money involved in this batch of items is huge, and Lawyer Fan has come forward, the police department attaches great importance to it.

It was even planned to set up a special task force to solve the case.

Tang Xinluo saw the emerald necklace on Lu Zhiyi's neck from outside the crowd just now, and immediately recognized it as her own.

Dang even reported the case, waiting for Lu Zhiyi to make a fool of herself in public.

"Lu Zhiyi, do you still remember what I said when you and your mother stole my handbag?" Tang Xinluo looked at Lu Zhiyi and said calmly.

"I warned you at the time, it doesn't matter if you want to steal my things, but if you take it, you have to hide it. It's best not to let me see it forever. Otherwise, I will bump into you and swell your face , Send you to the police station!"

"Tang Xinluo...you shameless woman, don't think that you can frame me by hooking up with the police! You are talking nonsense—you are talking nonsense—this necklace is me..."

"This necklace is made of 180 South African 4C diamonds and a glass-type imperial green emerald. These 180 diamonds are all GIA laser coded at the waist. These diamonds were purchased by my mother from abroad. There are still records to check. And this emerald stone was bought by my mother at a jade auction three years ago, and then carved by Mr. Yan Lao, a master jade carving master. You said it was bought by your brother Yes, then tell me, where did Lu Qinghao buy it from?"

Tang Xinluo explained the origin of this diamond and emerald necklace in one breath.

Originally, there were people who sympathized with the weak Lu Zhiyi.

She felt that the police officer Tang Xinluo called to the police was too barbaric.

And Tang Xinluo was too aggressive.

But at this time, seeing Tang Xinluo's generous attitude, Lu Zhiyi's face became more and more panicked, and she couldn't help but change her opinion of this young lady of the Tang family.

"I... how do I know where my brother bought it from. Anyway, this necklace was given to me by my brother!"

When Tang Xinluo heard that Lu Zhiyi hadn't changed her words until now, she smiled instead of anger.

Very good, it seems that this time, there is a way to get the citrine necklace back.

"Comrade policeman, there is another most distinctive feature on this necklace. My mother asked Master Yan to create this necklace, and she actually wanted to give this necklace to me as an engagement gift. So behind the emerald jade of this necklace , two small characters are engraved on the upper right corner.”

The policeman holding the necklace heard Tang Xinluo's words, and immediately turned the necklace over, touched it with his hand, and sure enough, he touched two engraved characters.

"The word 'unity' is engraved on the back of the necklace. One means to be united forever, and the other means the word heart in my name. Comrade police, you can see if it is these two words."

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