Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 51 An Liuli Wants to Angry Koshizawa to Death Every Word She Says


"Pao丨you?" Frost slowly formed in Koshizawa's dark blue eyes.

"Oh, that's not right..." An Liuli shook her head, "Perhaps it's not even a gun. After all, I also told Mr. Yue that I served Mr. Yue only for the exchange of equivalent value, to get what I need from Mr. Yue. "

After An Liuli finished speaking, she raised her eyes and brushed her long hair lightly.

The wavy curly hair is scattered behind the shoulders.

The black hair made her delicate face even more charming, and the small mouth that had been retouched because he had eaten it just now was so red that it was tender and charming.

Yue Ze's deep and cold gaze passed her eyes, rested on her lips, and then fell on her slender and white neck.

He knew that an even and thick layer of concealer was applied on her neck.

And under the concealer, there were traces of him caressing her just last night.

This woman, An Liuli, was so hateful that he wanted to cut off her soft neck with one hand, watching her beg for mercy under him.

But as soon as I touched her body, I thought that she might be panting and unable to breathe.

His ruthlessness will turn into tenderness, into deep desire, and he just wants to slam into her body heavily.

"Teacher Yue, what kind of eyes do you have, don't you want to strangle me?" An Liuli's delicate and soft voice rang in her ears.

Her long eyelashes are flickering, and she looks delicate and beautiful, but her eyes are deep, so deep that people can't really see the emotions inside.

An Liuli is no longer the An Liuli who still retained her innocence and kindness when she first met Yue Ze more than four years ago.

Over the past four years, she has tasted the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and felt what it means to follow the red and step on the white, and what it means to add insult to injury.

It happens that the house leaks and it rains all night. If a person is unlucky, he may not be able to wait for someone to rescue him, but he will definitely be able to wait for someone to step on him.

Anyone, no matter how big or small they are, whether they have a grudge or not, in this grotesque entertainment industry, there will always be someone who claims to be righteous, and beats a poor dog like her hard for some ulterior interests and curry favors.

An Liuli is no longer An Liuli.

She took the initiative to lean forward, and her red lips pressed close.

From outsiders, it seems that the two are talking in a low voice, the distance seems close, but not too close.

"Ms. Yue is really innocent. She actually wants to have a public relationship with a woman who is just 'trading' with you. Oh, it looks like this, Teacher Yue is really cute. But it's a pity, a national like Teacher Yue who has thousands of fans adoring her God, I dare not touch it.

With my current reputation, I will be criticized for acting with Mr. Yue. If there is any relationship with Mr. Yue... Oh, please forgive me, Mr. Yue, I am not good enough for you as an unclean woman. "

An Liuli finished her words, but her slightly slanted eyes flashed an obscure light.

Just when Yue Ze was about to say something, the director's voice suddenly came from not far away: "Okay, all units pay attention, the shooting will start in a minute. Yue Ze, An all adjust your emotions, prepare to enter the role, show me Look at the results of your rehearsals in the waiting room."

The eyes of the two met in the air, and An Liuli stepped back first, closing her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, the obscure eyes that looked like An Liuli a moment ago had changed into Zheng Meiyi's ambitious and aggressive look.

And Yue Ze... His eyes turned cold little by little, and finally turned into Mo Chenyuan's coldness.


The camera zoomed in, and the camera began to shoot following the scene where Mo Chenyuan caught Zheng Meiyi and prevented her from crashing into the corner of the table.

Zheng Meiyi was held by Mo Chenyuan's slender waist. This was an unintentional move under Mo Chenyuan's years of elite education.

But Zheng Meiyi's waist, which was like a water snake, was unbelievably soft. As soon as Mo Chenyuan caught her, she fell into his strong and strong embrace.

The woman's small white hands took the initiative to climb the man's broad shoulders.

Her plump = plump = soft body rubbed against his chest, and said softly: "What's the matter, Mr. Mo, are you reluctant to part with me?"

[I'm on a business trip today to catch a plane, so I can only have two chapters~ See you tomorrow night~]

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