Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 55: Knocking at the Door in the Middle of the Night

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"Ding dong—"

The night before Wen Feiyan and Yue Ze started filming the kissing scene, outside the hotel room where ordinary actors stayed downstairs, a long and tall voice knocked on the door of An Liuli's room.

" we come." An Liuli yawned and went to open the door.

She just called her cousin Liu Yi and asked her to go to the mall to buy another battle suit for herself as soon as possible.

Originally, to be able to play the leading role in the drama "Two Lives Flower", without being deleted from the scene, and to increase the exposure of the plot, An Liuli has already completed the task, and the blood diamond is not lost.

Now that the task has been accomplished, she is going to stay away from Yue Ze temporarily and distance herself.

After all, Yue Ze was once a man who gave her heart and loved her.

No matter how well An Liuli pretends, every time she gets close to Yue Ze, there will always be some ripples in her heart.

But the last thing she needs now is Ripple, she wishes she could become hard-hearted.

So, after the 'sex scene' was filmed that day, An Liuli temporarily decided not to look for Yue Ze anymore.

Unexpectedly, I have only been away from Yue Ze for a day, and when I finished work this afternoon, I suddenly heard Director Han say that tomorrow I will film Yue Ze and Wen Feiyan's kiss scene.

kiss scene!

An Liuli would never allow this to happen.

Not because she likes Yue Ze, she is jealous, but because the object of this kiss scene is Wen Feiyan.

She had told Wen Feiyan herself that she would not let Wen Feiyan get her wish.

Thinking of Wen Feiyan leaning against Yue Ze on the set during the day, softly and weakly "enduring the pain in her feet", An Liuli felt heart-burning.

So as soon as she finished work and returned to her room, she called her cousin and got her a 'battle suit'.

Anyway, even if it's embarrassing, she must win Yue Ze today and not allow him to have a kiss scene with Wen Feiyan tomorrow.

"Ding dong—— ding dong—"

The doorbell was still ringing, An Liuli thought it was her cousin who was in a hurry, she yelled 'here, here', and opened the door without looking at who was outside.

"You..." When she saw the man standing behind the door, An Liuli raised her brows slightly in surprise.

A tall and slender man with a mask on his face, a scarf and a slim coat.

Except for a pair of eyes, there is almost no other exposed place.

But just by looking at those dark blue eyes, one can easily recognize who he is.

The moment she saw the other party's eyes clearly, An Liuli froze for a moment.

The next moment, he immediately dragged the person into the door.

"You are stupid, this is an ordinary floor, and there are actors and staff from the film and television city everywhere outside. Not only our crew, but even other crews are here... You come knocking on the door like this, you want to kill me."

After An Liuli hid Yue Ze in, she stretched her head out to look left and right.

After making sure that there was no one in the corridor, he quickly closed the door and locked it.

Because the incident happened suddenly, the first thought that flashed through her mind was - if Yue Ze was photographed knocking on her door late at night, then her career as a white star would be voided.

An Liuli has been hacked for so many years, and the reason why she hasn't completely left the entertainment industry is because although she has a lot of scandals, she has never been involved in any top traffic.

If she is involved with a male god-level figure with many fans like Yue Ze, then she can really be hacked out of the entire network.

However, just as An Liuli locked the door, she had no time to turn around.

A big hand wrapped around her waist from behind, pushing her against the back of the door.

"Liu Li, I miss you..." Yue Ze stuck to An Liu's back, biting her small and cute ear, and whispered in her ear.

The man's voice was low and hoarse, so sweet that it made people's heart tremble slightly, and his whole body was full of crispness.

[The update is complete, see you tomorrow night]

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